Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

I don't mind the advice VA Raptor especially since I didn't get anything much planted for a bit now till this fall... the tomatoes I did not start from seed & I suspect the pots where too small. I am thinking to try seed next spring (low acid variety). My soil needs some help, the compost pile right now is mainly not cooking as it is so big. I am basically hacking down an out of control 1/4 acre... I did manage to save my Hu-Shuo-Wu plant for transplanting to better soil (I like weird herbs, had a huge collection till my yard got crushed by trees & work crews, and I basically have not been in a position for a while to really start fixing the garden) basically it is like starting over. I have clay type soil with hard pan under that, oh and hill. So I am thinking lots of raised beds/terracing to get yard organized. I also have two ponds/water features to repair & restock with fish & plants, I might move them completely as I have to dig them up anyway. Worm action is nil due to drought, I got ants, lots of ants, ants everywhere, the ants seem to love the drought. I may need to start a worm box next to try and get them back active in the yard.

I have been hearing rock dust is good... might try and find that.

The 2 fall beds with added soil/compost are doing good... the 2 all yard dirt beds not as impressive on germination yet (crossing fingers). I definitely need to get the compost pile cooking down so I can cut costs when spring rolls around and add free compost versus paying for it..

I found a White Sage plant so I will probably have to pot that it needs a more desert like soil.

I got to start digging the Spawn of Satan Grass (Bermuda Grass) out of around the fenced area I just finished, so I can prep it for spring vine crops/plant and hopefully keep it out of fenced area.
Bantam project cockerel coming into his second feather. His beak is permanently damaged, but the looks of it could be improved upon.


this is my bb red project stag. cubalaya/asil/thai. width of tail is unreal for a young stag. a little dark in color but already have solution in place

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