Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds


White cockerel. A gift from Troyer. Not perfect but overall I really like this bird. I wanted Troyer to see how nice he turned out.
all my whites have been brite white with red combs. I am hoping this guy gives more size without losing the good color that I already have. I was worried about the bb reds tail at first but he is looking great now and very tame. no white in the tail and it just came down because it is so full. I hatched so many wheaton pullets that I have plenty to choose from.
Not been a happy spring for me. Lost my rooster, Cassius, to a fox in the middle of the day. She has three kits, and he died thwarting her hungry efforts. All my hens are now locked in the big pen, which they're not pleased about. They got very spoiled running about free, but they can't be out until we deal with the fox family. Let a little serama girl hatch two super-cute Cubalaya babies-one of which I'm hoping will be a pretty wheaten hen. Have a rooster in the other group with some "mutts." Kinda regrouping with the Cubalayas, and will be getting a new rooster soon.
I feel your pain. My rooster Cupid got taken by a very large owl. Along with my guineas, my cat, and several neighbor cats. Happened right in front of the neighbors, so no question about the culprit. :'( I was not able to hatch any babies before losing Cupid, so my lovely hens are twiddling their thumbs until I find them a new rooster. They are threatening to sue me over loss of free ranging rights.
I feel your pain. My rooster Cupid got taken by a very large owl. Along with my guineas, my cat, and several neighbor cats. Happened right in front of the neighbors, so no question about the culprit. :'( I was not able to hatch any babies before losing Cupid, so my lovely hens are twiddling their thumbs until I find them a new rooster. They are threatening to sue me over loss of free ranging rights.

I'm so sorry about Cupid. At least I have a few of Cassius' offspring to remember him by. Don't tell my chickens about your chickens' legal maneuvers. They might start a class action lawsuit! lol. ;)

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