Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

I see the high tail on the red pyle Rachael, but I thought short beak was preferred. I have more trouble with "crow heads" - long narrow beak and weak face/brow.
I see the high tail on the red pyle Rachael, but I thought short beak was preferred. I have more trouble with "crow heads" - long narrow beak and weak face/brow.
Yes the red plye holds her tail high all the time.

Eyes should be "bay" , think bay horse, a reddish brown. Blue eyes No.
Darn so blue eyes are no good? Both the black and my favorite blue have blue eyes, the other two blues and red plye have I guess what would be considered bay. Where do the blue eyes come from?
Light and blue are recessive or hidden by the darker color, which is considered dominant. Two lighter colored bred together produce all light colored eyes. The trick is to breed darker to darker. When a light colored eye turns up, one should think, " is the bird so good that it is worth breeding or should it be culled. Decisions that every breeder faces . Sometimes birds with faults are bred when the bird is otherwise outstanding. The key is to never breed two birds together that share the same fault or you will "fix" that fault in your line.
wood&feathers, will try to get an up close picture for you. I think it is pretty.

Oldhound, makes perfect sense. Thanks for the information, I really appreciate it.
We're starting with chickens this year- been housing ducks otherwise. We're more about purpose around here overall, although we keep an open mind.

I was researching breeds of chickens that I thought would fit in well here. It's hard to stay objective with chickens with how many breeds there are how beautiful they can be regardless of purpose. But one breed I kept coming back to was the cubalaya- for looks and purpose. Then I came here and started checking out what breeds people had and what they were talking about etc, and I didn't see much about cubalayas. I haven't found any in hatchery catalogs either. So, I figured it would be hard for me to find chicks, or even hatching eggs. Well, I got super lucky and found someone here selling hatching eggs! I just got them in the mail today.

This thread is a goldmine of information for me, I'm still raking through it a little each day and thank you so much for it! I'm still 100% convinced that this breed of bird will be a great fit here. When I picture a rooster in my mind, it always looks like these red cubalaya roos. The hens are lovely too. The hardiness, eggs, activity, intelligence, everything else seems spot on with this breed.

I bought a better incubator just for these eggs. Hoping it goes well. Fingers crossed.

Thank you again to you all!
I see the high tail on the red pyle Rachael, but I thought short beak was preferred. I have more trouble with "crow heads" - long narrow beak and weak face/brow.

Can you show a picture of what this looks like along with one that is correct? Would love to see a side by side, if possible.

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