Cuckoo Marans chick sexing?

Well this certainly got a lot of replies suddenly lol

I still don't know if Kenna's a girl or a boy, she's gotten a lot more feathers recently, she's got a nice tail sprouting and she's got feathers on her back legs/thigh area coming in.... she's the most feathered of my three so far, but she's my only Cuckoo Marans so I don't have anything to compare her to in person. My other two are an EE and a Production Red, both supposedly girls, and both smaller than Kenna. Kenna definitely is a chatter bug though. I do notice one similarity in her and my Production Red cockerel from when he was a chick... both Kenna and Pepper(when he was a baby and even now sometimes) would/will let me hold them on their backs while no others would. Coincidence I'm sure, but the fact that I was instantly drawn towards Kenna being my favourite of the new three and Pepper having been my favourite of my first six, and the fact I'm usually drawn to my favourite pets being male(my favourite cat, rat, lizards, chickens are all boys), I'm concerned Kenna is a boy =( I'll get pics of him/her later, since today is the one week mark since I bought them....
Also, if it means anything, Kenna is a huge talker. She won't shut up and chatters aLL the time the same chattering my GLW made as a chick.... people were leaning towards her being a male around 5 weeks old because she had a pinker comb and big wattles, but she's actually a female
I like that answer, so let's go with that ;D

So far nothing she really does screams roo, but only time will tell. It'd suck to get ANOTHER cockerel when I was supposed to get all pullets(mainly because I got these ones to replace my cockerel if/when we get rid of him).
I like that answer, so let's go with that ;D

So far nothing she really does screams roo, but only time will tell. It'd suck to get ANOTHER cockerel when I was supposed to get all pullets(mainly because I got these ones to replace my cockerel if/when we get rid of him).

Let's hope for your sake she is after all a 'she'. :)

But just to be sure if you post again in a few weeks it should be obvious enough.

All the best.
I tried to get more pics of the cuckoo that I was told was a pullet but I guess Im just being paranoid. Please excuse the messy brooder, I cleaned it out after- Im moving them to an extra bathtub soon :p I know that color and the spot sometimes can be an indication if its a girl or a boy and she looks like the same black as my australorps that shes next to. Is it still too early to take a guess just by color?

Also, her wing started doing this today, its sticking out kind of far. It doesnt appear to hurt her and the other chicks arent pecking at it...
Quote: Sometimes their feathers get rearranged and it sticks out a bit, but not that far. That may be something like angel wings in geese or ducks, which is sometimes genetic and sometimes nutritional in origin. It can be treated via diet if it's nutritional, and bound to the body if it's genetic but personally I wouldn't bind the wing of a bird that age for something that's not an outright break or dislocation. If it's genetic that bird should probably not be bred on.

Asides from that, I can't tell if it's male or female, but the wing development on them so far seem more likely for males, but that doesn't always apply.

Best wishes.
Haven't been here in ages, whoa.
Kenna turned out to be one rockin' hen :) Super chill and friendly and a good egg layer, albeit occasionally broody.
We actually just downsized yesterday from 7 to 4 hens since we aren't eating eggs really and we want to save money on how much food we're buying for them, and she was one of the ones I chose to keep, mostly because she is my FAVOURITE chicken!


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