Cuckoo Marans Hen not laying yet?

My CM was about 35 weeks old when she laid her first egg. She did the egg squat and exactly 2 weeks later presented me with a lovely large brown egg. She's also a little egg laying machine. She's just gone 12 days producing an egg every day, with no break. Hang in there. Your girl will probably start laying soon.
I have one Cuckoo Marans and her comb and wattles have gotten very red in the past week or so. She's my most talkative pullet, and is the Night Time Yard Monitor, making sure everybody is IN the coop at night. She jumps to my lap and talks to me, telling me chicken stories.

Yesterday, she squatted when I reached out to pat her. Oh my. She's 23 weeks old.

I really didn't care WHEN my chickens started laying, or so I thought. They're pets and the eggs would just be a bonus. Now that 2 of the 6 I raised from chicks are laying, I am sorta excited to see when the rest will start. I'm having such fun giving away colorful eggs, right now. (Building a clientele, just like a drug dealer: "Here are your free samples. You want more, they're three bucks a dozen.")

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