Curled back toe - help needed

While KsKingsBee could well be correct, I'd still advise that you try splinting the toe as a first option. No point in making the bird more handicapped than necessary as the toe is used when perching, etc.
The problem is that a birds bone will mend in about two weeks so if it was broken it would have to be rebroken for a splint to work. I believe she said it has been a while since the talon was torn off although I don't know how many weeks. If it wasn't broken then the issue is a torn tendon and no splinting will fix that.
The problem is that a birds bone will mend in about two weeks so if it was broken it would have to be rebroken for a splint to work. I believe she said it has been a while since the talon was torn off although I don't know how many weeks. If it wasn't broken then the issue is a torn tendon and no splinting will fix that.
True. I would rebreak and splint. If it didn't work, then amputation.
True. I would rebreak and splint. If it didn't work, then amputation.
Wow! While I am definitely not as experienced as many of you with peafowl, I cannot imagine putting a bird through all of that. I have rescue peafowl, some with different degrees of lameness. They all manage to live a nice life with their handicaps. It's been my experience with birds that it is not worth risking their lives with surgery unless their life is already threatened by the problem. I think sometimes we tend to interfere too much.
If it were my bird I would probably spend the $80 or so and have it x-rayed before doing anything. If the tendon is torn the vet can recommend re-attachment if they think they are capable of doing so. If it were broken then they can sedate the bird and rebreak and set in a light plastic cast for two weeks. My last option would be to amputate but that is a very drastic move when once the toe heals it will not have pain walking on the toe underfoot.
Thank you for all the responses and great information. I'm trying to determine what is in the best interest for my peacock. I will definitely seek our veterinarian's opinion and go through the suggestions provided here. I agree with @KsKingBee and use sedation and any options to ensure there is no pain if it can provide a better outcome. I just don't like the limping but when perched, he seems perfectly fine (see picture).


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Thank you for all the responses and great information. I'm trying to determine what is in the best interest for my peacock. I will definitely seek our veterinarian's opinion and go through the suggestions provided here. I agree with @KsKingBee and use sedation and any options to ensure there is no pain if it can provide a better outcome. I just don't like the limping but when perched, he seems perfectly fine (see picture).
Ask your vet for some meloxicam (sp?) for pain relief. It is nearly impossible to tell whether a bird is in pain from observations but most times it is a pretty sure bet they are.

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