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I saw Kung Fu Panda a couple days ago. It was pretty good, but like you say, the past ones were better.
Yeah. The other ones made me laugh so hard...the new one didn't even make me laugh.
That is my favorite line in the whole movie, too!

And, yes, my DH is older than I am and, I swear, CRAVES soup.

I just made a big pot of soup because he's been sick. Not sure he was too thrilled, but I had an excuse so I exploited it. LOL

I'm the soup fiend around here. I live for Tortellini Soup & New England Clam Chowder in the winter months. Even HE likes the Tortellini one, so I make that the most.
I love her, her delivery makes every line she delivers funny.

She's amazing. That whole movie is LOL moments. I may have to watch it this week. It's been a while. I once was working in Lenox mall at a makeup counter and she came in to have her makeup done or something. I just remember there was a sattelite counter and the main one. I was at the sattelite counter and The phone rang. One of the artists called to say "_______ is doing Stiffler's Mom's makeup! She's so cool."

Naturally, as soon as I could break away, I made a beeline for the stock room so I could catch a glimpse. She was checking out when I got there and she was really nice. I am too shy, so I just smiled at her and grabbed my stuff and got out of there.

I just watched Legally Blonde for the first time a couple of months ago and thought she was hilarious in that as well.
Did anyone by any chance happen to go see Pride and Pejudice and Zombies this weekend. I'm just curious as I love Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice, especially the BBC version with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth, and therefore have a morbid interest in the movie with the addition of the zombies (although I'm not normally a fan of zombie movies).

When they do zombie versions of stuff like this it peaks my curiosity, admittedly. BUT, I'm a huuuuuge chicken. Horror movies freak me out too bad, to the point that I will have nightmares for weeks. Or longer. The telephone scene in the beginning of Scream? to thisday, if the phone rings after dark and I'm home alone, my heart starts to race a little & the hairs all stand up. Some things I can watch without incident (Hellraiser, etc), but if it's Zombies, Werewolves or anything to do with the devil, it's like the holy grail of bad ideas for me to see it.
Even Shaun of the Dead messed with me a little. And the Werewolf in Monster Squad, too. So sad. LOL

Wow! I remember seeing this as a kid. I want to say it was in school or something, or it may have been aired on TV. I remember liking it a lot, thanks for bringing it up, I almost completely forgot about it. One of my favorite movies from the 60s ( I think it was 1961 but not sure), is It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World. It is looooong and as silly as can be. Stellar cast. But, the best part is it's a bittersweet memory for me. Watching it with my Dad, who laughed like Muttley the cartoon dog if you got him going really good. I miss that man. He was my best friend.

Saw "Deadpool," this morning. This is NOT a movie for everyone , and it's R rating is richly deserved. I think fans of, "Mad Max," "Sin City," and "Kill Bill" wouldn't flinch a bit. It sets out to be a parody of 'Super Hero,' movies, which are parodies to begin with- so really over the top. I gave it 4 stars, the usher gave it 5, and my brother gave it 1.

I understand a sequel is in the works, and as a Marvel character I believe Deadpool is also in a couple others this year.

I saw Ryan Reynolds on Graham Norton promoting this. I'm not much on super heroes a whole lot.
Just a few. So, not sure whether I want to see it, yet. I swear Isaw a news report that it broke box office records. That got me thinking maybe....
You can see a kinder, gentler even romantic Zombie movie (Warm Bodies), it starts out like a typical zombie movie but evolves into something much, much nicer. I saw it twice and then bought the DVD and enjoyed it some more.

The dreamy Zombie, actor Nicholas Hoult also appears in Xmen - as Beast, and in Fury Road proclaiming "OH what a lovely day." For a time he and Jennifer Lawrence were quite an item.
I watched one today called 42: The Jackie Robinson Story. It's about the first black league baseball player, the racism, etc. Good movie, good cast. Harrison Ford is really good as the owner (?) of the Brooklyn Dodgers who decides to recruit Jackie Robinson. Chadwick Boseman plays Jackie. I wasn't familiar with him, so for me he was "Jackie Robinson" which is good with a biopic, you aren't thinking of the character played as the actor you know from a different role (looked him up on imdb, he's got quite a resume but I haven't seen the series he was in EDIT, he's in an upcoming Captain America and will be starring as a character from that in his own movie). Lot of other TV actors in it (chris meloni plays a manager, he'll always be Elliott Stabler to me..., that cranky boss doctor from "Scrubs" plays a sports commentator).

I'm not much into sports, but this wasn't so much about sports as about people. I know nothing about baseball and knew nothing about the guy the movie is about, so it was all interesting to me.
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