Current Movies - Thumbs UP or Thumbs DOWN

Oh yes Paul Newman and young Robert Redford - what a team they made!!

Haha! Yes. My bff thinks it's funny that I keep a running list of Hot Old Dudes as we jokingly refer to it. Mostly celebrities. some still living, some not. She's not really into the older guy kinda thing but did say she agreed some were worthy of it. Others, she thinks I'm nuts, so I tell her age is just a number.LOL
Somehow, we forgot about Robert Redford. I suppose I need to check out some more of his films. Maybe he'll find a spot on the list. Tom Selleck may get kicked off for doung a commercial about reverse mortgages.
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Precisely.  You are so right.  The way people carry on, it's as if every single movie released has to be to their specific taste and liking.  If you don't like the sound of it, give it a miss.  

In the "olden days", they'd remake movies all the time, and it was just as you say "the same movie with different actors".  I think there's 3 versions of "A Star is Born", there was one before the Judy Garland version.  Who cares?  don't want to go, don't go.  shrug. If they remake something and they mess it up, it's on them.  It's their money and their investment.  If an original movie was done well, I don't know why they bother with a remake/reboot/whatever they want to call it, but if I'm not interested, I don't have to watch it. 

Agreed! 100%.
Quote: Reading 20,000 Leagues under the sea at work mostly on my phone right now, wish I had the book, can't wait to watch the old movie(after I finish the book), never read or watched either.

I love the old movies, little history there. Love history. Tom Selleck is one of my favorites, Louis L'lamour's 'The Sacketts" 'Quigley down under', 'Shadow riders', 'last stand at saber river', 'cross fire trail' OMG! 'Monty Walsh', soo many more, but my favorites....
We saw "Florence Foster Jenkins" on Monday. Very interesting story with, for me, slightly stilted characterizations. I give it a 2.5 - the Princess liked it somewhat better than me.
I think that if you can see it, give it a shot, but it is not a 'have to see' kind sort of movie. I did a Google search on Florence Foster Jenkins - interesting.
Here's TV show review I should have done ages ago

Several months ago I started watching the show "The Middle." It has got to be my favorite TV show. Basically, it's about a family that are in the middle class, the middle of the U.S., and the parents are middle aged. It's kind of the everyday life of the family - and most families can relate to it because it's a funnier version of their family
It's nice because it's a clean, family-oriented show (although there is some cussing from-time-to-time). I would definitely recommend it. 5 stars.
May be seeing the western "H and High Water." this weekend, only one show has it and it's in their tiny theatre (about 40 seats) so it might be sold out by then. I have to check their seating at the last minute.

Seems to have very good reviews but, then I've been tricked before.

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