Cute Vinyl Chicken Car Decals for sale / LOGO Designs....Signs

Oh several of these made me laugh right out loud! might be another place to sell them, it a much prettier site than Ebay. I like Ebay but Ithink peopel (merchants and buyers) gt lsto in the vastness of it. Definitely let us know when you have your Paypal account.

I have a few more tag lines for you too (I can't vouch for the quailty of the phrases, but it was fun anyway!)

Chillin' wit my Chicks

It's a Hen Party

Bakyard Chickens Rule

I'm on a Chicken Run

I brake for (insert name of breed)

Ha ha ha ha. Awesome.
We just got our first two labels. LOVE THEM.

Think it would be too girly if I put a silkie on my tool box?
Any chance you could do a custom one of a Pharaoh Hound -- like just a shoulder and up/profile shot with the ears perked up? I'd like to see one of his name under it "Chronos" and then under that "Gold Sands of Time" that'd be sooooooooooooo awesome.


I got my Serama decal yesteray. Too cool! Now I want another - this just might turn into an addiction. I've got a Ford Excursion, so lots of window space ... hehe ...

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