My friend has a BO named "itty bitty". when i heard this, I almost fainted. so.... cute...
hi have many more now:
Snow White
Snow drop
Red rock

Just got my little babies today, 5 hens and a rooster. I'll update when my husband gets home and names the girls, but my mister is Rooster Cogburn :D And I love it. He's already the ladies' man...they all follow him around the brooder :p
I know this thread is old, but I(by 'I' I mean my hens) hatched out 10 chicks this year, and I named the first five: Shadow(she's all black), Margie(My sister named that one), Rosy(she's a RIR), Spring, and Judith, from The Walking Dead. I had called the chick Lil' *** Kicker, to be funny, because it was one of the first to hatch, and the name Judith just stuck. All five from the first hatch were girls. Then I had 2 more hatch about a month later, and I named them: Pippin(he pipped and hatched first. I was checking the eggs, and saw that one was pipped, and I yelled 'It's pipping!" and then I just called it Pippin), and Merry(The Lord Of The Rings). Pippin is a rooster and just started crowing, and Merry has yet to lay an egg, but is a hen. And then the last hatch of the year, I named the three of them: Beth(after Beth from The Walking Dead), Sophia( after Sophia from The Walking Dead), and Noah( after Noah from The Walking Dead). The theme I was going for was dead The Walking Dead characters. Now I'm pretty sure the next rooster that hatches will be named Glenn.... Either that or Jonghyun from SHINee( if anyone knows who SHINee or Jonghyun is you are awesome.)Beth and Sophia are hens and full sisters, and Noah is a rooster.

Names of roosters I have:pippin, Winter, Noah, Dexter, Taemin, Key, and Benny(or Ben). Taemin and Key are half brothers I bought, and Winter is Pippin's and Noah's dad. winter is the father of all 10 chicks, and all the eggs I had been getting(they all have basically stopped laying which sucks) were fertilized. Well, not ALL of them, but at least 9/10 of them were. Out of 15 eggs that I had given to my hens to hatch, only 2 weren't fertilized. Winter is a busy, busy boy, and some of my hens' backs are all featherless. I gotta build a bachelor pen to give them a break.

Names of hens I have: Beth, Sophia, Merry, Judith, Spring, Rosy, Margie, Shadow, Summer, Petunia, Frazzle, Cocoa-puff, Pumpkin, Violet, Lizzie, Zoe, Buffy, Becky(Rebecca), Lidia, Lacey, Silvia, Scarlet, Daisy, Snowball, Maggie, Fozzie, Barbie, Little Sebastian, Jaida, Eleanor, Zenja(pronounced zenya), and.....there is one more but i can't think of it off the top of my head. And I'm at school so I can't just go outside and look. so yeah...

Names of Dead hens; Raven, Platinum, Rico, and Muffin. RIP they are all very much missed

The name of my dead, dear, beloved, sweet, sweet rooster: GG. He was named GG because my one grandma stopped at the place they were selling the chicks at, and saw he was the last chick, stuck in with a bunch of ducks three times his size, because he was only a little four day old blue cochin bantam after all. So she bought him, and almost got him for free because he had seizures and the lady who worked there thought he was going to die. So that's where the first G came from. The second G was because my other grandma who lives with us went and picked him up from my grandma who had bought him. So yeah. He died because he got lice and mites. He was pigeon-toed, his growth had been stunted so he was smaller than he should have been, and he had terrible balance and couldn't preen, which turned out to be the cause of his demise. He was my favorite, was such a sweetheart, and was loved by everyone. He was rather ugly though, but that just made him cuter. He will always be in my heart. I love him sooooo much. RIP GG

so yeah. sorry I couldn't remember the one hen's name. I'll remember it eventually. I have 39 birds right now, and they all have names, so It's kind of hard to remember them all off the top of my head.

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