I plan on naming my girls all 'old style' names like Agnes, Florence, Ethel, Georgette etc :) I'm very excited about it. I was mulling over a trio of Polish named Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup... The PowerPUFF girls haha
I am also looking for chick names but i have very odd chicks they are barnyard mutts
They are a cross between gold sexlinks and Rhode island reds and gold sexlinks and americonas

So i need help
We have three Gold Laced Wyandotte chicks. Their names are Little, Dottie and Sassy :)

I think I might go pick up Silkie or two today.. I will need new names for them!
Nutmeg, Rosemary, Basil, pretty much any spice name is cute. Also Cream, ButterCup, and candy names or treat names. We have a pair of BRs names Frappe and Cappe, short for Frappuchino and Cappuccino!:D I love naming the babies!!!!!
The only one named of my sixteen is a RIR. It just rolled out of my mouth. Rooster Roo. At just a week he is already guarding his hens. He's a real trip.
The first generation have all "A" names. It just so happened that we were watching the movie Lord of the Rings recently - so the male is Aragorn, his favorite female is Arwen. The other hens are: Acorn, Apple, Alice, Abbie, and Amelia. When these have chicks of their own, that generation will have all "B" names and so on. Perhaps it will make them easier to keep up with over time. We will see.

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