cutest chicken names!

We asked our neighbor's younger daughter to name one of our chickens and she came up with HeartSparkles. Hands down the most adorable name I've ever heard. We didn't get to use it so that's up for grabs haha

Our four year old grandson didn't want one of our Buff Orpingtons to be named Pikachu because and I quote, "Chickens don't have lightning come out of their butts Mamaw"
We named our Buff Orpington Peaches, Black Sex Link Jade, Isa Brown Nugget, and the Silkie Impulse
Henelope Cruz, Peeps, Dottie, Meg, Dusty, Penny, Fred & Ginger, Hennesey, Blondie, Lychee, Marble, Leech, Frickles, Dandylion, Harvey Dent, Red, Cash ;)
From oldest to youngest

Molly - Buckeye 3yrs
Maggie - Copper Maran 1.5yr
Penny - Easter Egger 1yr
Pepper - Easter Egger 4 weeks
Daisy - Silver Leghorn 4 weeks
Ginger - Rhode Island Red 2 weeks
I have a EE named Jan and a Black Aust. we call Ramona. Getting a Silver Partrige Orpington and a Delaware Orpington today... Thanks for all of the ideas on here!

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