cutest chicken names!

I have: Elsa, Crystal, Henrietta, Elvira, Ginger, and Paprika.

We had two meat birds and their names were Mother Gothel and Hans. My girls named them after Disney villains lol.
My hens are named:
Petal, Blossom, Pepper, Tweety, Tilly (Red Stars)
Susy Salmon (Salmon Faverolle)
Eggness, Whitey, Whiter (White Leghorns)
Red (RIR)
Lilly Dotty (SL Wyandotte)
Beetle (GL Wyandotte, named this because when she was a baby she had a tiny body and giant wings that she held the way a beetle does.)
Peach (Buff Orpington)
Moony (FrenchXEnglish Game hen)
Dibble, Patty Partridge, Ethel, Esther Pigeon (Easter Eggers)
Penguin, Peregrine Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck (Australorps)
Summer (Speckled Sussex)


Bucky Barnes (EE)
Fandral the Dashing (Barred Rock)
Snowy (Silkie)

Guinea Fowls:
Cloudy (Coral Blue Male)
Brownie (Royal Purple Female)
Cirrus(Cloudy and Brownie's Child)

Button Quail:
Kili, Fili, and Thorin
My hens are named:
Petal, Blossom, Pepper, Tweety, Tilly (Red Stars)
Susy Salmon (Salmon Faverolle)
Eggness, Whitey, Whiter (White Leghorns)
Red (RIR)
Lilly Dotty (SL Wyandotte)
Beetle (GL Wyandotte, named this because when she was a baby she had a tiny body and giant wings that she held the way a beetle does.)
Peach (Buff Orpington)
Moony (FrenchXEnglish Game hen)
Dibble, Patty Partridge, Ethel, Esther Pigeon (Easter Eggers)
Penguin, Peregrine Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck (Australorps)
Summer (Speckled Sussex)


Bucky Barnes (EE)
Fandral the Dashing (Barred Rock)
Snowy (Silkie)

Guinea Fowls:
Cloudy (Coral Blue Male)
Brownie (Royal Purple Female)
Cirrus(Cloudy and Brownie's Child)

Button Quail:
Kili, Fili, and Thorin
nice!! the hobbit !
I have Tika (Tika masala chicken), Domino, Squeaky, Snickerdoodle, Snowball, Tweety, Creampuff (a buff silkie), and Tokyo. :) Should have though to old lady names. That's so cute!

This is Razzle, my blue Langshan roo.
I named my 6 Langshan chicks after the musical, "Chicago"
So my other roo, a beautiful black with iridescent green feathers, is named Billy Flynn, ( the Richard Gere character is you saw the movie)
I have 4 pullets
A blue named Roxy Hart
A black with green irredescent feathers named Dazzle, she's a tiny feisty little thing!
My other two girls are most blue, but have some black.
Velma Kelly and Mama Mosely.

But I also have 6 RIR pullets I want to name. They're all about 10-11 weeks old and getting quite large, but since there are 6 of them, I've yet to discover enough distinguishing characteristics to use to tell them apart. I'm hoping as the grow, I might see more differences, but so far, any differences I notice are insignificant and not distinguishing enough to enable naming. I had planned to name them after Maria and the sing Von Trapp sisters from the sound of Music. Maria, Greta, Marta, Liesle, Louisa, And Brigitra. But maybe those names just won't suit them;/.

Any tips for how to tell apart my RIR Hens? I hope that as the mature, significant differences will emerge, like size, shapes of combs and wattles and things like that!! But I won't make this mistake again!!

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