cutest chicken names!

My dad had a cat I named Four-Fifty. Very short version of the story.....It was a stray cat, my step mom caught, she would catch, fix and then release. She caught this one, then my step mom was was really sick the next day (Tuesday) rescheduled the fixing part for Friday and then my step mom passed on Wednesday.(We knew it was coming, soon) I flew across country for the funeral, asked about the mean cat in the cage in the basement. Funeral on Thursday took the cat to get fixed on Friday. They called said it was pregnant did we want the kittens, NO, that is the whole point of fixing and releasing. Then when we went to go pick up said mean feral cat, the bill was $450. I thought my dad was gonna drop dead too. So I named that cat Four-Fifty! She finally came around, my dad would feed her outside. She would let him pet her. But yeah, sometimes there is always a funny story behind some crazy name. My dad made sure to mention her name when ever someone came over, just so he could tell the story of why he had a cat named Four-Fifty.
that was a cute story...we have a joke in our neighborhood about free dogs and cats...people would give them away in front of safeway market...and they were NEVER free...always some reason why the animal wound up costing one of us a BUNCH!
I personally like
I am getting a new chick and can't decide on the name
Winnie the Pooper - Golden Laced Wyndotte
Diva - Australorp that acts like a diva
Aussie - Australorp
Feather Face - EE that was so fluffy as a chick you couldn't see her eyes
I have:
Tweety-Ameraucauna/RIR mix
Roadie-Ameraucauna rooster-Tweetys dad
Winnie & Wanda- white laced Wyandottes
Unamed RIR
Chichi, Thelma & Louise-Easter Eggers
Baby & Betty-Brahmas
Lola & Lolly-Leghorns

Past chick - Chicken Little not sure what type of chicken she was
So, most of mine do have old lady names...
My other chicken names (the old lady names) are Stella, Henrietta(I think the most common chicken name ever!), Cordelia, and Margo. We have one more chick that doesn't have a name yet, and are getting two more this weekend to finish our flock. Thinking of the names Magnolia, Bernadine and Eloise for the new chicks, but we won't name them until they get here.. 

lol Cordelia is my name I am a chicken
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I like plays on words/or their breed:

Benedict (for eggs Benedict our fave breafast item) - I thought nugget was a bit offensive :)
Silvia - a silver laced wyandotte
Mari - an ameraucana
Ollie - an Olive egger
Queen LaLa - she's the top chick and we thought she was a lavender maran
Sweetie Belle - a wellsummer my 6 yr old named :)

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