Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Congratulations on your Blue....Pink.

I got my new Brinsea delivered the day before yesterday. Can't wait to get eggs to get started.

Thank you and Congratulations to you! I understand they are nice machines and regain temp and hum. very quickly. I also hear from Brinsea owners that they have great hatch rates with them!!!!

Can't wait for you to fire it up too! Hatching babies can be so
but it's sooooooooooo much fun!

Thanks for the good thoughts pink.................... I flux back and forth from excitement to discouragement but am hanging in there.........
I've got a question for anyone who knows anything about blood spots. I understand they are more common in dark brown eggs and some of my hens eggs eggs have them. I am wondering if there is anything to be concerned about. I know they are perfectly harmless in terms of eating the eggs. But I was planning to sell my eggs at Farmers market last summer and decided not to because I do get a fair amount of them in my hens eggs. My girls have a good diet I think so I don't believe it is any kind of dietary issue.
Does anyone else see them in their dark egg layers?
woops, I just noticed someone was discussing it in the other thread. Well, anyway, if anyone knows anything about it I am curious.
It could signal a drop in Vitamin a which could be supplied by rice bran or you can use cooked sweet potatoes... they love those... The rice bran seems more practical.

Rotti... I run a hovabator 1588.... it is as steady as they come... just got a Brinsea octagon and I have heard they are great too...that is why I got one... They are both reasonably priced.
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Medicine Man, will you ship me some speckled eggs like these to try and hatch??? They are amazing, I love the speckled eggs the most! Are these from Marans or Welsummers?

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oohhhhh...sure, I see! You lurk in the "other thread" my dear friend but you don't pop in and say HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't noticed blood spots in my Marans eggs but I have noticed them from time to time in my light brown egg layers eggs, but I don't eat that many of my eggs as they are all earmarked for eating egg customers, and knowing my customers like I do they would have me know pronto if they found something undesireable in them.

I agree with Jan and the possibility of lacking a vitamin. Sweet potatoes are history here at my house once they hit the goodie bowl. I just gave the chicks in the brooder a piece of warm cooked sweet potato and they didn't stop until it was gone and left all the other stuff that it was mixed in with. Tummies are full now and we are finally sleeping this morning, they have been chirping up a storm since I got up. They're so peaceful when they are sleeping..................funny, I'm sure my parents said the same thing about me and my siblings when we were sleeping.
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