Dark Egg Breeds Thread

No problem! Just let me know they are due to hatch around the 23 of Nov. Their eggs are a lot darker then what they where hatched from. The only lighter one I have has very dark specs (large specs) all over the eggs. Background color the same as the eggs I got from you. I think I'm going to start showing some of my chickens Local shows only and going to use Cajun the Wheaten roo I got from you to replace mine. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/46537_update_blrw_chicks_breeders_007.jpg
here is a pic of some of those eggs the one in center(bottom) is one of my light blue Marans to compare with. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/46537_eggs_and_lav_guineas_001.jpg Cajun will be the daddy one the chicks to hatch. Can't wait! Forgot these have been washed and are of our eating eggs I have the darkest eggs in the bator. No flash poor light (stove light) Sorry not best pic.

Nice Wheaten Eggies!!

Thank you very much. I'm happy with them and tey hatch and taste good too.
It's annual Pomegranate Harvest Day!!!


Wake up everybody!!!!




It's time to harvest the poms!




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Wow those two cockerels in the trio sleeping (adorable btw) stick out like a sore thumb!

SO jealous of you Californians being able to grow at will Pomegranates, Grapes, Avocados, Dates, Paw Paws, etc.
I would love to have some date palms. I am in a warm belt in the Sierra Foothills and some palms grow well here. I looked in to it and the date palms are a little complicated. They have to cross pollinate, so you have to get a male and female.

BTW-I think you are lucky to live in Washington Ilia, it is so beautiful up there. I have family and friends up there and whenever I go to visit I can't wait to go to a goooood seafood restaurant and get some fresh crab and salmon and drink chardonnay
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Seafood and berries. That's where it ends. You can grow ANY and EVERY kind of berry out here, but good luck trying anything else without a greenhouse. Potatoes and Cabbage and the common sort do well, but things like Tomatoes, Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Grapes, Squash, and Melons REALLY need some attention, care, and a greenhouse if possible.
Welcome Runalong!

I love both my Marans and my Welsummers. My Welsummers are not as snuggly friendly as the Marans but they are non aggressive birds, very inquistive, they (even the roos) sing a beautiful egg song, they are great foragers, the roos are great protectors of their flocks. I cannot comment on their parental abilities as I have not had the pleasure of one of the gals going broody, but I will say that I can introduce younger birds with little to no problems, so I would say they are very tolerant birds. They are very winter hardy and they tolerate the mild heat we experience here in Washington state very well. I have not experienced any health issues with them and find that they are very overall healthy birds. They are not prolific layers, fact, my Marans lay better than my Wellies. I can expect at peak lay to get 3-4 eggs per week per hen. I find that egg color can stay pretty consistent with each hen for the most part, but they can vary from bird to bird and during lay cycle and they do. They lay nice large terra cotta colored eggs.

There's not enough time in one day to tell you all that I love about my Marans!!!!! I am hooked....line and sinker on these birds, especially if they are blue!

I believe that geebs can give some insight on the Pene's.

Hi drom!!!!!!

Lovely photos!!!!! Lovely birds!
Pene's.. they are not for everyone... The males are aggressive.. There are soo very few good strains. I don't know if you could buy a good strain.... They should look like a leghorn with white earlobes.. They are as flighty or moreso.... The Combs are VERY big even on the females... anything less is a cross... The leg color is important and the egg color of a good one is better than that of a average marans... Super dark, matte, and smaller. They are good layers, producing an egg a day as opposed to that of the marans... The eggs while dark lack the desirability than that of the marans due to size and brightness... The shape is also not a round little egg like marans... If you are looking for Pene I have outlined what they are supposed to look like.. Good luck at finding them... I am sure there are still a few out there but where??? I have no idea.. Most commonly the hens have no white and very small combs and are compact and not gamey looking anymore.. the egg color I imagine has changed as well...

I have had welsummers that lay a nice egg comparable with marans... I have not found a barnevelder that can hold a candle to them...

I like the marans the best for the dark eggs... Some lines do better than others...some are friendlier..It just depends on who you buy from... Ask lots of question and make sure they have had PROVEN results or it is just a grab bag...

That is my official OPINION on it... Others may differ...

BTW.. HI PINK I am starting to recover from the last couple weeks... BLECH.. I am still tired though... not crying as much.

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