Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Seafood and berries. That's where it ends. You can grow ANY and EVERY kind of berry out here, but good luck trying anything else without a greenhouse. Potatoes and Cabbage and the common sort do well, but things like Tomatoes, Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Grapes, Squash, and Melons REALLY need some attention, care, and a greenhouse if possible.

Illia, you forgot the apples! Seafood, berries and APPLES. LOL

Mmmm, but the berries are wonderful. I was born and raised in So Cali and lived there over 30 years. We now live in Washington and been here better than half of 30 (don't try to figure my age!) Anyway, what I miss most is the citrus and avocados but they can be shipped. What they can't ship is the ability to grow produce year round without a greenhouse. I have been growing produce in WA for Farmers Markets and a co op for several years and Yes tomatoes and peppers do better in a greenhouse but I do both and still get a pretty good crop grown outside. I have pretty much grown every crop successfully up here outside the greenhouse so I'm happy. Yes a little too much rain but just think of the trade off. We have WATER. Which means a lawn and trees. And if you have horses or livestock they can actually enjoy a real pasture. There is a lot more I disliked about Cali than here. Those dang gophers, had to put in lined beds to grow anything but you can't line the whole property. I would trap 10-20 every week and more would just move in to the vacant runs. Squirrels didn't damage trees they just picked all the apricots to get to the seeds and let the fruit rot on the ground. Water was rationed and if you went over your aloted amount there would be a hefty surcharge so you couldn't grow more than you could afford to water. You pretty much got two seasons, a short spring and a long summer. Even though the garden shuts down for 3 months in WA I really enjoy having 4 real seasons. And the heat I never got used to in Cali. Love the mild temps in WA. and so do my chickens. This summer was a little too mild, could have used some warmer days and I really get sick of the rain but I can deal with it better than the heat. And sun damage as a child before they came out with sunscreen, don't even want to talk about that. Love the green in WA. But my husband thrives in heat and really misses Cali. Everyone is different I guess.

Chicken question here, Marans website says to create a Golden Cuckoo you cross a BC roo to a cuckoo hen. You then take the roos and cross them back to BC hens. Thats as far as I got and the hatch was supposed to give you some Goldens. I have an all black hatch with half of the chicks with white spots on their heads. No Goldens. Another BYCer says she read you are supposed to take the first generation roos and breed back to the cuckoo which seems to make more sense than doubleing up on the BC. Is anyone else doing this and what did you do? Which is correct?

Here's your link for how to mate you need it from both sides the barring and color and Salmon is the best color to use according to Bev but as you see you can use BC or Wheaton

Illia, you forgot the apples! Seafood, berries and APPLES. LOL

OH Yea, DUH!
I forgot about apples too.

And Pears. My friend in Leavenworth had a big pear orchard.

Yes, water is a problem in So Cal for sure. I am in Nor Cal in the Sierra Foothills and I have well water but I also have a miners inch of irrigation water year around that comes from the snow melt. There are lots of rivers and lakes up here. I don't know what I'd do without my irrigation water.

But, being an equestrian, I am very jealous about the hay you guys have. I can get good grass hay here, a lot of it is from Nor Cal and Oregon, but it's more expensive than it is up north.​
My Expeireince with 3 of dark egg laying breeds,


Penedesencas can be friendly, the come up to you when you feed, but keep their distance.They don't care to be handled,or in penned up. Penedesenca are excellent for a farm/ranch breed, very fast, alert ,and sometimes hide,when it comes to predators. never counted egg production on them. They are consistant egg layers ! Penedesenca roosters never showed any agression towards me. They were up to challenge other roos , the same goes for hens. If they didn't like a wondering roo they'd kill him.

Welsummers Are very friendly, they are easily handled. They don't mind small cages, or a coops. Welummers loved to free range like all poultry.
My Welsummers were not very productive though, I think I averaged about 150 Eggs & up from my Welsummer. Welsummer eggs were almost like that of average marans, egg color ranged from a level 3-6 & some 7 on Marans eggs chart.The thing I liked best about welsummer is their color pattern & they eggs, their beautiful eggs. Some Welsummer eggs litterally have an orange glow to them that I have never seen in other breeds.

Welsummer roosters are very friendly, I will say the only agressive one I have owned was of hatchery decent, he was a roo I picked up for good body type. but was imidiately culled for bad attitude. My hens always have been friendly to other breeds & towards people.

From what I have heard & read Hatchery welsummer can get a little a little agressive , this is said to be from Old English game blood having been introduced.

Marans :

My French Marans didn't mind a cage or a coop, & again loved to free range like all poultry. My Marans Layed an average 250 -300 & something eggs a yr & still held on to the dark egg pigment

With Marans I got an egg every day for most of the year from my hens & pullets, up until summer when they molted. My egg color was an average 5-7 on the marane egg chart.

I have had aggresion from Marans, When The cockerels became fully mature, I had about 1or 2 Marans that showed aggression towards people. I used them in breedings & all of their offsring were full of life & energy!

Marans Hens were always a favorite of mine, since the 1st time I got ahold of some, they were always friendly & were always looking to see If I had snacks in hand.

I have never owed Barnvelders so cant rate them, or give any of my experiences.

I am looking to try to get some quality BARNIES to show & to try them out, & to compare them with the other dark egg layers.
From what researched Barnvelders, are said to be very freindly, lay pretty decent & are colored out similar to a dark cornish/ dubble laced.

Hope this helps you BYC'ERS That are new to the dark egg laying breeds.

Also take the time to do you homework on the breed your interested in, & the breeder.


JUST INCASE YOU ARE WONDERING I WILL NOT BE OFFFERING ANY HATCHING EGGS , CHICKS OR BIRDS, THIS YEAR FROM WELSUMMER, MARANS, OR PENEDESENCA, but would be more than happy to answer any questions about these 3 breeds. just PM me if needed

Yes really great info on the dark egg breeds.

And Josh, the French Marans Club web site has a page with info on genetics and temperament that states pretty much the same thing you've said about one positive aspect regarding roosters that can behave a little on the aggressive side:

"When certain cocks are vigorous and particularly aggressive towards people or even the stockbreeder, they are often forsaken or even eliminated from many breeding programmes to the detriment of the superior vitality that they naturally exert in their social environment.

This selective sorting appears particularly harmful to the benefit of good fecundity in the hens and a possible improvement in the hardiness of the stock, which we have the right to hope for on behalf of the cocks."

Thanks Josh, Rarebreeds, Pinkchick and Geebs for your info
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n.smithurmond :

I've been having so much fun on the Marans thread... is this thread the "dark side?" Count me in!

Do you have some egg pictures to share? :
Let me clarify something... my opinion of penedesencas is that they are not for everyone but that they are aggressive...Not toward ppl but a true pene will kill other roosters and must be housed accordingly... They are very survival oriented... That means great forager etc like the writeup above me (Joshua)... I agree with that assessment.. My apologies for being so "quick"... They have never been aggressive toward me, a human, but they have killed my best roosters from time to time so housing them is an important critical factor if you have other birdstock... They live to breed, protect and provide for thier flock and all the girls are thiers... No matter what breed... Zorro would have been a penedesenca!!! LOL They are VERY smart.

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