Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Thanks Kansas
I'm going to ask this question here. It was discussed in length on 'the other thread' but I don't feel my question was answered and I have unsuscribed since it takes way too long to get caught up on that one I just gave up. OK, heres the question, on BCM it is undesirable to have white feathers in the roo tail. It was discussed that this is a Wheaton trait or influence along with white underfeathers in the hackles etc. All these other Wheaton traits discussed were ok on Wheatons just not on the BCM. It is undesirable to have white tail feathers in the Wheatons also so why is that considered a Wheaton trait or influence if even they are not supposed to have them? And also, is white tail feathers in Wheatons as big a problem as it is in the BCM?
All the White feathers showing on the BC are faults. If it is not in the Proposed Standard , it will be covered in the APA SOP under the cuttings for Points section. If you like the white feathers by all means go ahead and breed them like that. The APA SOP is there if you plan on showing and breeding to the SOP. The white cotton ball at the base of the tail is also a fault. It doesn't really make any difference what we like. If you are raising them to the Standard. Walt Leonard explained all of this on the other thread. Don
a white feather or a partial white feather is a fault more white feathers can be a DQ if you are showing if you are planning on breeding birds to sell you should invest in a Standard of Perfection kinda like being a member of AQHA and getting a rule book then you know the rules to play by and the SOP shows you drawings and pictures so you understand what people are talking about too. There is a new edition coming out but there will be no Marans yet in the book so if you could find an old one it would be just as good but cheaper or check one out at the Library
All the White feathers showing on the BC are faults. If it is not in the Proposed Standard , it will be covered in the APA SOP under the cuttings for Points section. If you like the white feathers by all means go ahead and breed them like that. The APA SOP is there if you plan on showing and breeding to the SOP. The white cotton ball at the base of the tail is also a fault. It doesn't really make any difference what we like. If you are raising them to the Standard. Walt Leonard explained all of this on the other thread. Don

Still didn't answer my question. Not asking about APA, or SOP stuff or showing or breeding faults and didn't refer to what I liked or didn't like or that I wanted to breed with the white feathers. Wanted to know why a white tail feather in a BCM is considered a wheaton trait when Wheatons aren't suppose to have them either? Thats all. Came over here because it is too exhausting to get caught up on the other thread so sorry if I missed Walts thing. If no one gets the question thats fine. No big deal.

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