Dark Egg Breeds Thread

I mix my feed weekly... I don't always give cayenne... about every other time I do it.. so two weeks out of the month...I use small of a container of spice to a garbage can full.. My chickens just eat it up...you should see thier combs...reddest combs ever been on a chicken when I use that... It helps keep them warm in winter...Cayenne is very thermal...that and some millet.
I didn't mean to sound as though Wellies can't be snuggly birds, some can, and I am very jealous of those that have snuggly Wellies. I would love to have one or all of mine be as friendly as the Marans or say my Delawares, but it's just not in them to be so. Now Barnevelders on the other hand are very very friendly birds. My Barnie roo is just as friendly as Bill, one of my Marans roos. His girl Stephanie (Barnie pullet) just as friendly. Love them to pieces.........would love them even more if Stephanie would start giving up some eggs so I can put them in the incubator.
She's being a slacker.
ha ha... No offense taken...they used to come and knock on my door... I couldn't keep em penned because they wanted to be with me... they would jump the coop and come find me...if I was at the nieghbors.. etc..they trained several of my marans to be naughty like that... Renegades around here...just don't last... I offed the offenders and reformed the marans...I only had to part with one that had a solid habit going on.... There is tooo friendly..pecking on the window and bawking for me to get up... I have to draw the line there.

My marans chase me when I am in the yard... they view me as the "bringer of all good things" but they are less likely to jump on my lap if I am having tea with a nieghbor!!! LOL
BHB are close..but at least they are quiet.
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I forgot.....yes my Davis pullets are singers of the egg song too! They are noisier than the other lines of Marans that I had before switching out to Davis birds.

My DH will sometimes accompany me when doing chores and laughs in delight when he sees all of the birds follow me like robots if I have the red goody can in my hand. "Oh, moms got the red can guys....moms got the red can!"
They are braggers that is for sure... however.. they have much to brag about!!!
personally me i like for my chickens to not be under my feet like producion reds do. my marans and other neat ones clear away and i like this when i try to walk amongst them. it can be very bad to step on a chicken foot and but more likely i will fall by try to not step on it.
Yes a chicken under foot is not good. I had a BC hen like that, but it was my fault for spoiling her. I miss her sooooooo much but I know that she is being loved by some beautiful children who adore her.
Well buddie... we just differ there... safe non squashing distance!!! that is the "mode of operandi" around here...stepped on a chick and killed it once...couldn't have felt worse...the hen hated me after that...

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