Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Okay I'm in line first
I want darker eggs though mine aren't that bad yours gonna have feathered shanks? That's what I'm working on....among other things
Feathered shanks....maybe... a distant maybe...My cuckoo doens't have em and the little bugger well he has a little but not much... I may have to make more golden salmons to get a better choice... I just need one with feather...a male...It looks like a long term project really... I just start projects..I seldom finish another color beside copper but I do try to get the genetic "thing" going...I have been handing projects off once I get them started and a base to work with... Likely you wouldn't see a complete project with me at the helm...Man am I being redundant!! Need sleep.
yep... totally passed out around 4 and now I am up....I think I will follow suit... Night!!!
I'm setting these that I have collect since Wednesday. Color was a little lighter for about the last 3 weeks from some layers that I suspect are getting ready to take a break. I'm getting these from a couple of my youngest pullets that just started laying about 2 mos ago and 3 of these are the first from a BCM pullet from GFF that started laying, she'll be 5 mos old next week. I also got 3 nice olive eggs and 2 Wellie eggs from my youngest pullet that just started laying last week as well. I'm going to set these for NYD hatch, but not going to enter the contest. I will just hatch along for fun and to see if I get a better hatch than I just had.

Front and center on the left is a Blue Copper egg, in fact that entire row is Blue Copper and Splash Copper. The 3 eggs in the row on the right are from the GFF BCM pullet that just started.

Here they are seperated so that the Welsummer egg color shows more accurately, I have found that it is very very difficult to photo Welsummer eggs directly next to a Marans egg in some cases. Wellie eggs are top right in this photo. BCM are the 3 on top left. 2 Blue Copper in the second row with the Olive Eggs and on the bottom are 2 Splash Copper eggs and far right bottom is a Blue Copper egg.
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