Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Well, have a happy holiday everyone. I am off to get some last minute things done.

Congratulations again, Harris5. Looking forward to see pics of your new flocks.


Look what I got for Christmas from one of the GFF girls yesterday. They are getting darker.

Tried something I read on the MCC yesterday about putting a kleenex over the flash to help reduce glare....it works, but I doubled up and used 2 layers of kleenex, one layer wasn't enough to stop the glare.

This is the photo with a flash, no kleenex.

This one is with the 2 layers of kleenex .

In the 'bator set for New Years Day hatch, I'm down to 4 Marans eggs and 4 Olive eggs. The rest I set for hatch January 11. Figure I gotta try some more after removing 7 from the NYD hatch upon candling. Managed to get some nice Wellie eggs to try again and I just can't help myself when it comes to the Olive eggs....I would rather have an Olive egg than a blue egg, just love them.

Yes, very nice!!! How funny, I never would have thought to put kleenex over the lens. The image is still so clear.
What type of Camera is that Pink?
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Thank you drom!

It is a 7 yr. old Optio S40 Pentax 4.0 mega pix. I used the regular old setting for any type of picture or lighting and reduced the size setting to 640 pixels for websites. When I read about the kleenex over the flash I had to try it out. One thing I will say about this camera is it is slower than using a dial up connection.
It takes it forever to save after taking a picture.
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Thank you drom!

It is a 7 yr. old Optio S40 Pentax 4.0 mega pix. I used the regular old setting for any type of picture or lighting and reduced the size setting to 640 pixels for websites. When I read about the kleenex over the flash I had to try it out. One thing I will say about this camera is it is slower than using a dial up connection.
It takes it forever to save after taking a picture.

It takes nice pictures.

I have a Fuji point and shoot which downloads pics really quick and easy, but for shooting action shots/pets/wildlife is toooo slow. I'm wanting more so I can take pictures of the birds in the trees around here and of my horses and of course, my little flock
I would like a new one some day as well but for now this one is it.

Here's a really speckled egg one of the Wellie girls surprised me with yesterday. I love speckled eggs! Ohhhhhhhh.....heck, I'm just plain addicted to eggs period!


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