Dark Egg Breeds Thread

I am trying to get all solid ones... ha ha.... Pink!!! I just boiled a mess of polka dotted ones that I won't use for egg contests...
Pink, you're a girl after my own heart; I LOVE eggs! They're just so pretty and fun to take photos of. Beautiful eggs, by the way
Thanks Kansas and Berk!


Welsummers for ya....you asked for it!
Careful Randy....don't look at them too long....they have this super duper ability to suck a person in to their beauty!

A pullet

More of the girlz

My main roo Odin in the background with his dtrs....he is a monster. Standard weight for a Wellie cock is 7lbs. Odin weighed in this summer at darn near 10.5 lbs. Please excuse his rattiness, when I took this photo, I had just pulled him in from the pasture where he spent his summer with the laying flock and was also starting what IMO was one of the worst molts I've ever seen. The poor guy is just finishing up and finally looks like a bird again. His long flowing tail feathers are starting to come back. He is now 1.5 years old. I'll get updated photos of him when he is in his full glory again.

Odin- for size comparison next to a pullet...will have to check my records as to this pullets exact age.

and next to his brother, both were 6 mos. old in this photo

and another picture of my Odin boy just because I love him sooooooo much!


just for giggles.....here's what a little Welsummer "stink eye" looks like for ya.


This is the young boy that was carried around in a baby snuggie for a week this summer after he got froggy and attacked me. He won't come near me now and hasn't tried anything stupid again but lives in the laying flock because of his one offense.

This is another Wellie pullet that I have from a breeder here in the PNW, she is quite small, I would say she only weighs in between 3.5-4 lbs.

A Golden Salmon Marans just for because......photo is from feathersite.

I am patiently waiting for these in Silver Blue....Bev is working on them, she is still tweaking a few things before they are done, but she reports egg color is great!


and because I don't believe that I have posted photos of my Barnevelders here....this is Mr. Bugz and his side kick Stephanie...I call him Ugg because he is just a big lughead. They are both sweethearts, very friendly birds.
Do me a favor and ya'll send Stephanie some "gettin' her egg laying groove on".......I don't know how much longer I can wait for her to start! It's killin' me!



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Thanks Lisa!

I will have to get some better photo's of her that show her double lacing a little closer and more clearly. The lacing on these birds is what attracted me to them. Such contrasting colors and then that beetle sheen green... you should see them when they are out playing in the sun...they just glow and glisten.

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