Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Thanks Jeremy and Medicine Man. The white neck stuff looks more pronounced to me, but it also just seemed to magically appear one day! ARGH. I got the eggs (a nice #7 color) up here in Sonoma County from a guy who started his BCM flock from a pair of SQ BCM's (Sonoma County fair BOC winners, he said) that he got in Sebastopol, CA, from "Wade Jeanne" lines... so the yellow legs on the one feathered shank dude is from an EE crossed in somewhere??? ARGH. How does the leg coloration have to cross to get that? (The only EE I hen I have has pale green legs, so that is what I am used to. How would you get yellow legs?)

Drat, Drat. I will have to see what color egg the one female lays when she starts, I guess...
That was merely speculation on my part. The best thing is to enjoy watching you chick-a-doodles grow up and see what they lay. They're sure to capture your heart, if they have not done so already.
As these are all boys, I am not investing myself with any emotional attachment. The one pullet I will keep to see the egg color. They all hatched from gorgeous dark brown eggs, so this is such a bummer.
Just thought I would pop by and say HOWDY to all my Dark Egg Lovin' Friends!!!!! Hope everyone is doing great as well as all of your birds and projects.

My girls haven't been doing too bad considering winter's last little whoo-rah this week. Egg color has been good and so has production.

I mentioned a long time ago that when all three "dark egg" breeds were laying that I would post pictures of their eggs together.

These are the best I can do for color accuracy, taken by a window that takes up my entire wall (it's a floor to ceiling viewing window) no flash as it was not needed with 6" of snow outside and the light from that window..no, and kept making the Barnie eggs look white.

Welsummer eggs first 2 rows left, Barnevelder eggs 2 rows right.

From the far back of the photo to the front, Welsummer, Barnevelder, Marans.
Pretty eggs kim!

check this out Just had to share this with my friends, sorry to hijack the thread

Well this is a pretty surreal situation. No I don't need help cleaning up, but thanks for the offer. I wouldn't touch it! Apparently it's toxic. The TEAM arrived in HAZMAT outfits last night and started the cleanup. It's unbelievable really. It looked like a scene straight out of CSI. They brought in the big silver metal suitcases with vials and stuff. They rolled up all my oriental carpets to be thrown away.

They said they have to cut up all the walls 2 feet, take out all the kitchen cabinets, throw away all base boards...amazing. So they are back in the house this morning packing up everything we own on the first floor. I sure I don't need anything in those boxes.

They put us up at the Lafayette Park hotel but had to take the dogs to our fabulous vet. I got a call from them this am, didn't even occur to me that they may have eaten eat the bile and poop or licked it off their feet. So today they have diarrhea and the vet is treating them with probiotics, antibiotics etc. They are testing for giardea, cocci and a ton of other parasite/toxic things. Thank goodness I boarded them with the vet and not just a boarding place.

As you guys also know my dad has been in and out of the hospital and was scheduled for his 3rd surgery in 3 weeks today, in the afternoon, well I get a call at 7:30am saying that they just took him in to surgery. So we race over hoping to see him before but it was too late, so her I am typing this hysterical story while I await surgery to end.

I'm so blessed to have amazing friends. My best friend, Dyann, you guys know her as chooklet on here, came last night and picked up 3 incubators FULL of eggs and 30 week old chicks to take to her house. The poop flood hit the garage too as it came out of the washing machine line. Fortunately the chicks/eggs room in the garage is sealed so nothing got them!

So I think with the last 12 months happenings I have enough material to become a stand up comic. I won't need new material for at least 5 years!!


Sorry my brain isn't on right today

Oh I guess I forgot, the how-this-all-happened part, The contra costa sanitary dept yesterday morning cleaned the sewers, well apparently there was a "bubble" what ever that means and since we are the first house in lines it caused the toilets and other water pipes, like our washer to back fire into our home. They take complete responsibility, thank goodness

Amazing, I've been in pretty good spirits, making light of all this, but when I heard about my dogs, I lost it, big waterworks... so to speak

My Dad just got out of surgery and the Dr said it was a huge mess, uncontrolled bleeding, she doesn't know if they got it, so the next 48 hours will tell...

Just heard from vet, dogs are sick and they are doing more blood tests etc

Sorry didn't mean to dibble on with all this drama, though it does help to write about it

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