Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

Connie, I hope she does regret it. I found out who the boy was my daughter cheated with and he wasn't good at all. Worries me even more. It's been a long emotional weekend. My daughter hasn't had contact with me since we left her on Saturday. Her ex had to text her about a class he helped teach with her and then he gets this call from a boy from her phone who says leave the past in the past. I am so mad at her again. How can she be so mean. I talked to him a while tonight and he is trying to do what is right so he just blocked her number if she doesn't want anything to do with him. His birthday is in a couple of weeks and I told him that I want him to come over if he can. His family hadn't ever had him a birthday part so I know my daughter isn't around and she is the one that introduced us and gave him a family why should he have to give it up?
I can't beleive she did that!! Such disrespect! Poor kid she humiliated him ! She is so immature I don't blame you for being ******
Oh my god if my daughter did that I would have lost it on her
My daughter is coming in today. I really want to talk to her about how she handles the situation with her and her ex. I think she owes him a big apology. I would like to encourage her to maybe right him. What are your thoughts on that? She will have to see him at church on Sunday when she is in town. I know he said it would make it easier if he felt she was truly sorry for her actions.
I think she should apologize for sure but that's upto her, tell her what if he did that to you can you imagine how you would feel hurt betrayed disrespected unloved rejected worthless , she owes him that much ! So at least he gets closer in some way poor kid , I hope she's mature enough to understand this remind her of karma !

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