Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

Yes I hope so too! She knows better! I know she does we have dealt with this in our family with a relative and I am just shocked that she did this to him knowing he adored her.
Well I am not sure. She isn't talking as much. She seems distracted some. My husband talked to her about some of this and I hope she apologizes to him soon. She says she isn't interested in any one at college and just has a friend that they just do homework together and people think they are dating and they are both fine with it because it keeps others away. I kinda find that strange though but who knows. She seems very happy and so I feel there is more to it with that boy. She talks about him more then anything else. She told me he doesn't think I like him and well I don't but I don't know him. I don't want to like anyone else then her ex. I love that kid and he still talks to everyone in our family other then her.
This has been such a shock to me that she would do this and I still can't sleep I just think all the time how this could have happened. Thanks for checking and what do you think about the friend thing ?
I would let it go! If he was devastated, then time heals most wounds. Opening up that old connection might just give him a new pain. Parents don't get too invested in your children's boyfriends/girlfriends until they are engaged. Let them find the right one.
Yeah and when they do not have a family, it made it easy to just let him in and we all got attached. It's not an old wound yet. He lives it every day. Several people don't even know they aren't together yet because she isn't here. i think she owes him an apology. The only thing I regret is what my daughter did to hurt him. I don't regret investing my time and energy into this boy. I have never done this before and probably never again but he was in a time in his life that he needed a mom. She will grow up and realize what she did is wrong. But for now it's done and nothing I can do to change the fact that we all care for this kid.
Yes Connie, we just can't stop loving them. It's been so hard and I just want to make everything better for him. My son went out with him tonight and said he says when it rains it poors. He said so much has happened to him all at once and I just want to take him in and tell him not to worry we will take care of it.

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