day 10... clear eggs...

By day ten you should see some veins and definite development.It sounds as if the eggs could be infertile? Where did you get them? What kind are they? Are they dark eggs or light eggs?
These are the "air-plane eggs" that I hand carried back from Ca. to Ill. (don't know if you followed that post and blog?) No x-ray, hand inspected. Sooo, it could be the air pressure changes in the plane and/or the general bouncing around of the trip itself. Eggs were from a breeder and he has a very good fertility record.

There are 8 Bantam Ameraucanas... 4 w/veining and 4 clear... 6 Black Copper Marans (dark brown eggs)... hard to candle but 5 look clear and 1 with some darker mass.

This has been an experiment to see if... #1-I could get them through TSA inspection and #2-if they would/could hatch after the air-plane trip.

Now that we know that they can be taken through TSA inspection, I would be interested in anyone else's hatching rates after an air-plane trip.
Nope hadn't followed that thread....very interesting though.So it sounds like some are developing then? That's great...I myself have all hatchery stock birds. I can't imagine how gorgeous those bantam ameraucanas are going to be! Hope I see the pics of any after they are fully grown

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