day 21 probably worried for no reason


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2015
So it's day 21 on chicken egg. No egg movement and no chirping no anything. I did water candle it yesterday (I know should probably not have but couldn't help myself) and the egg was moving back and forth a small bit. Air sac looked good as of day 18. Humidity around 65. temp has been 99.5 normally but on cool down 1 hr I believe a day til day 18 it cooled doen to 79 I believe. Any thoughts or advice
I have no idea then. Maybe the cool down feature delayed them a bit? I don't have that on my incubators. Mine get a cool down when I open them to hand turn them (if I'm not using the auto turner).
When did you start counting your days? The day they were set, or 24 hours after?
24 hours after I put them in. The incubator has a countdown on it and I set it to 21 days
Had a Crack this morning around 8:30 then when I got home around 5 it's a little bit bigger. Super Excited. Can't wait to meet my first grandchick.
The little thing was born about 2:40 Sunday morning
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