Day old chick cannot walk, falls on side

I apologize - I was on the road, about to lose signal, saw this and sent the message about Eggcessive before I lost contact.

I haven't hatched chicks - or ducklings - but I do read some of the duckling hatching threads, and for them, they can be really wobbly and even have seizures if they don't have enough B vitamins, especially niacin (B3). That can be found in brewer's yeast (not baking yeast or wine making yeast). If you can get B Complex vitamins and add 100 mg niacin per gallon of drinking water, that often helps ducklings pretty quickly.

Other thoughts are that bacterial infections can cause problems, too.
If its splated leg i used medical tape that i tore so that it was only like 3/8 tall. And i guessed a what correct leg width should be and put the tape fairly low near the feet. Band aid seemed good for an hour and wouldnt stay stuck up against the leg, which is a must. It took a couple days but both chicks figured out how to walk correctly. I waited another three days before removing the tape. I was skeptical and suprised but it did work and i still have one of the hens.
I apologize - I was on the road, about to lose signal, saw this and sent the message about Eggcessive before I lost contact.

I haven't hatched chicks - or ducklings - but I do read some of the duckling hatching threads, and for them, they can be really wobbly and even have seizures if they don't have enough B vitamins, especially niacin (B3).  That can be found in brewer's yeast (not baking yeast or wine making yeast).  If you can get B Complex vitamins and add 100 mg niacin per gallon of drinking water, that often helps ducklings pretty quickly.

Other thoughts are that bacterial infections can cause problems, too.

Its a chick. I was actually thinking duckling at first, got my threads confused though. And I mainly tagged you because you are so good with medicines, doses, vitamins, odd problems, etc. And good overall recommendations. :)
I have a baby quail right now that has the same problem, his/her name is Pancake. :) I made a little chair for him/her like rosyamanda2000's chick.

It will most likely never walk again, it will be in a chair forever.

How I made this was cut a multivitamin container in half to about as high as the chicks legs then cut a hole in the bottom. Found an old sock and slipped it over the hole. Cut two tiny little holes in the center for his legs and stuck two lids to it. He can eat and drink by himself now.

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That's ok I'm just grateful for getting responses.

So here are the updates this morning.... My little yellow chick is off his back! He was in a chair all day yesterday and I took him out overnight. I separated him from the others but he managed to get with them anyways. This morning he is very alert. When I pick him up he kicks like crazy. However when he walks he is now falling to one side. Still not eating/drinking one his own unless I kinda force it. I've been giving pedialite and poli vi sol without iron and yogurt. I'm thinking of putting the band aide back on I'm and maybe back in the chair today.

My little black chick with the gimp knee (I will try to upload a pic from the back) is eating and drinking a little on his own. He bares no weight on his right foot and instead is walking on his left foot and right knee. I attempted to put the bandaid on last knight but he got it off. I am in search of a small enough rubber band to try the straw/rub and hobble instead. I am also giving him pedialite, poli vi sol no iron, and yogurt.

Both of these guys want to be with the others but are getting stepped on when they are. I am going to get another brooding box today for just them. I know some of you will disagree with me and that's ok but I just can't bring myself to cull them right now. Down the road I will revisit that if I have to. You all have been so amazing! I want to thank AmyLynn and WVDuckChick for contacting me directly. You two were especially helpfully!!!

If anyone has any other thoughts or ideas please let me know. I'm willing to try just about anything!!!!



I think separating them from the others is a good idea. And I don't blame you for trying to help. IF it gets to the point that they need to be put down, you will know when the time is right. You have to do what you are comfortable with doing... and when you are comfortable doing it. I wish I had a new suggestion for you.

So how are the other chicks doing? The other 14 or 13... or how many besides these 2.

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