day old chick falling over/can't keep balance

Oh my gosh that IS horrible!!! I would've been right in your shoes with you!!! I had read about that method and had my doubts as to if it would be effective...soooo very sorry you had to go through that!!!!

big big ones!!!

Lord willing you won't ever have to go through that again, and if you find yourself in a bind again, PM me....I can help with a much better method!

My heart lurched when I read your heart wrenching post!!!! Just know, you did do the right thing...that poor chick would probably not have lived, even if you didn't work!!! Not long really really did do the humane thing!

Praying today and each day gets a little bit better for you!!! Again, sooo sorry!!!!
Thank you, guys ....

I have to find a way to get myself together and start enjoying the chicks that did hatch healthy and cute.
I'm exhausted from worrying and trying to make it better for the one that didn't.
Yup, best thing is a nice cuddle with a few of the healthy ones
and try to put the whole ordeal out of your mind, now that you have had a chance to talk about it and process it!

They grow so don't want to miss out on the cute fluffy part!!! Mine feathered out so fast!! The fluffiness was gone is about a week or so...

They are still lots of fun, even now that they are 4+ weeks and I spend time with them in their coop. I am their jungle gym, I think...they like to fly up on me when I am doing chores, and one rides around on my shoulder most of the time I am there!!!

Our run should, Lord willing, be done this week-end...can't wait for will be a riot watching them!!!! I think watching them is sooo peaceful!!! and funny at times...they really have such personalities!!! I have BR's, hatchery ones, and they are very curious and friendly!!!
I'm so sorry for you all. We are probably going to have to cull some birds as they were diagnosed with Mareks. Thankfully only a couple birds weren't vaccinated. Of course the carriers had to be the sweetest of the bunch.
Mareks is one of my WORST fears, as even the land is no longer viable except to a closed flock! I am sooooo very sorry!!!! Brought tears to my eyes for you all. How many birds do you have?

I have read extensively on this horrible disease, as it would take away all my dreams..and have read that even with the vaccination, that only helps with the tumors...the birds still get a form of the disease which is still highly contagious. Although this is a big controversy in the vaccinate, don't vaccinate groups...I tend to lean towards it being true...there is a thread on here, in the diseases part, if you need more info on this? You probably already know what it means though, since you are posting about it. We practice biosecurity here!

Again, I am sooooo sorry!!!
One of the chicks (polish) that hatched over the weekend cannot walk. Its legs look fine and seem strong.
The chick is not able to stand up and keep balance. It lays on the side and chirps until I pick it up, or throws itself from side to side.

It hatched a day before due date (day 20), but my chicks always do and all other 12 are perfectly fine. This one was last and when I found it it was laying on its back and all others were picking at it. It seems very alert and feisty now. Just cannot stand up and is not happy lying down either.

I put it overnight in the cup so it would work on its leg muscles, but that didn't seem to help. Besides its legs seem very stroneg when it pushes against my hand.

I'm afraid it may be neurological. Is there any hope? Will vitamins help with that?
What should I do?


I have the same exact problem with one of mine. After giving up almost all hope, it seemed to improve some. Unfortunately it is now back to square one 24 hrs later. She is about 2 days old. Help!
I know this is not what you want to hear, but it seems you have read through this thread....if your chick can't walk, it can't survive on it's own. You really only have 3 choices, call your vet and see what they have to say, dedicate your life to taking care of a special needs bird ( if that ends up being the case) , or do as the OP did.

You could also post this in the disease thread on here and see if anyone else has any suggestions, but be ready to hear the hard stuff from them too!

Sometimes there is no miracle cure and this happens. Sometimes the chick doesn't grow/form right in the egg, and a momma chicken would cull the chick, as she knows what it means...a slow death due to starvation and dehydration.

Sooo sooo sorry you are having to go though this!!! It is never ever easy to make these decisions, nor should it be, but it is a part of raising any kind of livestock and it is the responsibility we take on, when we take this journey!

I wish you the best in your decision, what ever that may be! and again I am sooo sorry!!!!
Im sorry about your chick :( we euthanized two-one was injured when she qas purchased and the other was malnourished and couldnt pull through. I cuddled them and told them they were good birds and i was sorry. M husband uses a .22 to put them down. It never gets easier.
:( Sorry you had to go through that. It's not chickens but last year I cared for a litter of foster puppies and 3 came down with parvo. the first one died, and the other two I was able to save with homeopathic remedy. I still remember how much time I put into caring for that puppy and how sad it is when it doesnt work out.

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