Day old silkie chick - splayed legs


After a disastrous hatch, with the broody abandoning her eggs right at the crucial moment. I've had one lovely silkie hatch out, but unsurprisingly given the turmoil of her hatching, she has some problems. She has quite a bad case of splayed legs, which hopefully you can make out in the picture below


We have hobbled her legs following instructions we found online, but she is really struggling to find her massive silkie feet!


Should I be attempting to drip feed her supplement? Realistically, what sort of chance does she have, is this a condition she will recover from?

Thanks for any help and advice
Dip her beak into water with electrolytes and vitamins to teach it to drink, and sprinkle some chick crumbles on a paper towel around it’s feet to tempt it to peck at them. Riboflavin in the vitamins helps. It can take a day or two to get used to a leg hobble. Check it daily to make aure that it is not too tight. Leave them on for about 5 days, while checking to make sure that it is starting to stand. Here is a good link about splay leg treatment:

Here she is trying to find her feet. She's doing very well, and mainly staying on her feet today, she does lose balance a lot, but somehow manages to get herself back up 90% of the time. I've scattered some crumb, and given her a cap of water with vitamin supplement in, which I have dipped her beak into gently to introduce her to the idea.

After reading a thread last night about twisted tibias, I believe her right foot is twisted, as you can see she has her left on the floor. I'm going to make her a boot and splint going up her leg below her knee, to try and straighten her foot.

I've wrapped bits of match stick in vet wrap to try and give the support she needs.

Fingers crossed! :fl
After a disastrous hatch, with the broody abandoning her eggs right at the crucial moment. I've had one lovely silkie hatch out, but unsurprisingly given the turmoil of her hatching, she has some problems. She has quite a bad case of splayed legs, which hopefully you can make out in the picture below

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We have hobbled her legs following instructions we found online, but she is really struggling to find her massive silkie feet!

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Should I be attempting to drip feed her supplement? Realistically, what sort of chance does she have, is this a condition she will recover from?

Thanks for any help and advice

I am so glad to hear you cared enough to catch it! I just took in a 4 yo. Silkie I believe had that problem 4 years ago :( she does chicken stuff surprisingly well better than I thought she would just not ramps or roosts.
Keep at it you will Both be glad you did.
Good luck
You are doing great!
She's still going strong! She's been eating and drinking independently today, although I'm not sure how she manages it, but the food and water have been depleted!

As you can see in the picture, she is sitting with her feet underneath her, which is great! However I've yet to see her stand, which does worry me slightly, but I'm wondering if it's just because she's so young... And also because I've tied her legs together

I just can't get enough of this little chick, she's such a fighter, and most importantly look how cute

I'm considering moving her out of her incubator and into a brooder, where she will have more space, but I worry she will struggle to get herself back under the warmer if she decides to go out to eat or whatever. On the other hand, I know she can move herself around in her clumsy way, so maybe I should just trust she'll get herself where she needs to be??

Advice please! :idunno:idunno
One thing about chicks. If they are not happy, they let you know. If you keep an ear out or put a baby monitor next to the brooder she will chirp if in trouble or cold.
Yes she is super cute! Did you name her yet?
She's been named Joey Jr. Which is a name with a long story! I have a hen named Joey, after my best friend who loves hearing about all my hens. I had another brood of chicks hatch earlier this year, one of which we named Joey Jr, but unfortunately all but one of these chicks were killed by rats, including Joey Jr. My friend Jo was very upset, so I promised her next time I had some chicks there'd be a new Joey Jr. And low and behold, this little girl hatched out on Jo's birthday, so I think it was meant to be!

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