Day one on the road to becoming smoke free.

Good luck! I smoked for 36 yrs and quit just over 3 yrs ago with Chantix. My husband and brother had smoked for 30 yrs, we all quit at the same time and all with Chantix.
I don't even THINK of cigarettes anymore unless someone brings it up (like now). I had no cravings, no nothing. I took Chantix for 8 days, laid down the cigarettes the 8th night and never picked up another one. People always say you 'feel' better, run faster, jump higher, etc etc etc. I feel exactly the same, except the immense relief of not smoking anymore. Although I used to get bronchitis really bad every time I got a cold and I haven't had a cold a single time since I quit smoking. I've only been sick once and that was a few wks ago with some flu thing going around here. It was more like a huge weight of worry was lifted off my back when I quit. After I made it 24 hrs I knew I was going to make it. I hadn't gone without a cigarette longer than overnight in 36 yrs. It's a relief and I hope you'll join us Quitters!

You have lots of us praying for you!

You can do it.

And once you've had your last smoke, make an appointment with your dentist.

Your teeth and gums will LOVE you... and so will your dentist/hygienist!

God bless!

GO BRANDON. Me and The Big Guy both smoke. TBG amazes me. He smokes 2 packs a day and has twice quit.....cold turkey......with another smoker in the house....and went on a diet and exercise program at the same time. Talk about will power! I hope you make it. I want to try the Chantix but I am scared. Apparently anti-depressants make me completely psycho! Think of a cross of Cybil and Cruella de Vil.
I have never been a smoker, but I do thank you for quitting.
Brandon - i am really proud of you man - you give me inspiration to do it too! You know you have friends and we are here foryou when you are " down and out" just know that ok?
About a year after I quit with Chantix, I decided it was time to lose weight. I started Weight Watchers Online (I'm NOT a meeting person!) After I lost about 10 pounds, I actually felt like getting out and walking. I used to walk 7-8 miles a day when I was in my late 20s. One thing led to another and I ended up losing 59 pounds and RAN (I have NEVER been a runner in all my likfe!!) in my first 10K. At that time I was running 3-4 miles a day and walking 3-4 miles a day, riding my bike sometimes, and going to the Y. I really think that if I hadn't quit smoking, I would never have felt good enough to do it.

And about the dentist appointment..... It was actually my dental hygenist that recommended Chantix to me and I am forever grateful to her. Another thing I thought about is that you probably don't want to overindulge in alcohol while you are taking Chantix. Most of the negative side effects that have occurred have occurred when someone has been overserved. I talked to my Doc about this when we discussed the Chantix and she said that a glass of wine or 1 beer probably would not be a problem but, like anything else, moderation is the key.

Day 6
It has been a better day today. Still on about a half to three quarter pack of cigs. I start my second pack of meds tomorrow which ups my dosage. Still no dreams at this time. I dream alot normally but I think the meds may be suppressing them. Thanks again for all your stories and good wishes and prayers. Hugs to all of you!!!!!!

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