Dead chicken

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My barred rock just passed away in the coop last night. She was 1 1/2 yrs old. Appeared in great health. Was free ranging eating and drinking normal the day of her death. She had a couple loose stools but other than that I didn't see smuthing strange. She went to roost at 8:00. I closed up the coop at 8:30 and said good night to her. She answered Justine she always did. Them at 7:00 am she was curled up dead. What happened?
There was no sign of injury. She had a loose stool in the coop with a couple little white clumps in them. Someone said maybe she swallowed a pebble? Also when I buried her she had a bald reddish spot on her underside.
I'm fairly new here. My husband and I started out with our first 6 chickens in the spring. They're now about 11 months old. They are all robust and seemingly very healthy birds. Sadly, my husband found one of our gals dead this morning out in their run. This was a total shock to both of us, as they were absolutely fine last night. I've read some of the older comments but wonder if anyone had anything new to share. We're just sick about this. We've always gone above and beyond with the care of these gals and they've become part of our family. Very sad...and shocking. Thank you.

I wish you were able to join us under happier circumstances. So sorry about your bird, that must have been shocking.
Thanks, me too. We miss her. She was large and in charge...our first one to lay. Her name was Ethel.

My husband said that it looked like she was in the middle of her dust bath when it happened. Upon inspection, he found that she had what looked like dirt in her mouth and nose. I wonder if she could have asphyxiated in the dirt? My husband is wracking his brain trying to figure out what "he" could have done wrong. He buried her in the back yard.

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