Dead coons on the road, funny first thought


8 Years
Mar 4, 2011
I've seen two dead coons here recently that got hit by cars, and my first thought when I saw each was...Good..One less coon to go after my chickens!
I can relate on the coons. I also had a fox problem all spring. Then one got hit on the road infront of my neighbor's house. My first thought was I hope that was the one that got my ducks & chickens! I think it was.
I think exactly the same thing when I see a dead raccoon hit by a car!

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned the dead doe on the side of the road to my real estate broker; it was directly below her property. She's a friend now, and she said, smiling, "Yes, she used to eat all my roses."
I have the same thoughts also. But I also think one less rabid coon to attack my dog. Last fall we had a rabid coon on the front lawn that or lab tangled with. Long story short I shot the coon and the county tested it positive for rabies. So every dead coon is a good coon to me.

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