Dead fowls...


7 Years
Apr 10, 2015
I re-started my fowl hobby after many years and am so disappointed and torn up inside because of what has been happening the last 2 weeks.

My main gander (chinese-african mix goose) was my pride and joy but was killed by something that got in the pen.

Next day, my favorite little red hen that followed me around and would even jump onto my lap and stay there was also found in the pen dead.

2 days later my young gander turned up dead also.

And just this morning, my black silkie rooster is dead, and my rock barred rooster has suffered neck injuries.

I have only a pair of apple silveryard ducks, a pair of campbells, and 1 black & white magpie and a young african-asian goose left and injured bar-rocked rooster.

An ermine (small white weasel) does alot of damage to the birds' heads and a bit to there tummies.
Now I need to trap this weasel before I can allow the fowls back in the pen.
The pen is fox and raccoon proof. No opening bigger than 1 inch. Until I can establish some form of safety for my remaining ducks and single goose they are being kept in a large dog house that we put a door on that closes tightly. There is no light in there so I let them out in the morning to roam the yard and they go back in when it starts to get dark. Been like this for almost a week now. But the roosters were both on my back balcony last night and hence they were attacked.

We are planning on digging a very large pond for the ducks and geese (will go get more young ones)but I would like to know if weasels will swim to kill a duck.

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