Desperately Seeking Northern Bobwhite Quail Eggs


Jan 10, 2019
Hi all, I'm a second-grade teacher, one of several at my school who have been incubating and hatching Northern Bobwhite Quail in our classrooms in late Spring. Our source of eggs has gone out of business, and we're looking for a game-bird farm that can send us 150 eggs in early May.
Any suggestions for a reliable supplier with good hatch rates?
Your location would help.....
Welcome to BYC :frow
NYC, but I'm not sure it matters so much. Last farm was in Oklahoma. They express shipped the eggs which arrived in great condition, and we always had great hatches. So if you know a good source, they may be used to shipping long distance. Thanks!
Thanks for asking, but they do. We give the chicks to a release program in a state park. They need to be indigenous to our area and that means Northern Bobwhites.
I spoke to two farms today, Delp's and Cranberry Creek, one of which will probably be able to fill my order.
Hey, sorry for the late response. I bought my Georgia Giants from , but they also sell Northern bobwhites. They came right on time and I do believe they ship year round. I also had about 17 out of the 25 eggs they sold me be viable. Hope this helped you! And also welcome!
Hey, sorry for the late response. I bought my Georgia Giants from , but they also sell Northern bobwhites. They came right on time and I do believe they ship year round. I also had about 17 out of the 25 eggs they sold me be viable. Hope this helped you! And also welcome!
They also shipped from there in Georgia to California, so I don't think location is a problem.

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