destruction and disposal orders HELP


Curious, how often will they test your birds now and for how long is the quarantine , will they have to catch and test each of them ?
This has to be still a nerve wracking experience for you !

Yes, and also wondering what measures they take to not bring the virus to you. They probably have more exposure than anyone. I'd want them to take a bleach shower before going in my coops.

Best wishes for the continued health of your beautiful birds.

Curious, how often will they test your birds now and for how long is the quarantine , will they have to catch and test each of them ?
This has to be still a nerve wracking experience for you !
could be every other day(if not daily) for the next 3-4 weeks... i don't mind surprise visits to test (almost expect them, and i wouldn't blame them at all)... a surprise visit to put them down would NOT sit well at all (don't wanna go there, but i can't help it....)

-- so far it hasn't been every bird .. it's a representation of the flock and i think they pull the ones that they feel would be the biggest risk or most susceptible ..

I've had a jaded view of the news for many years now. CBS just softened my opinion. Three cheers for your local news station taking an interest in what was going on and bringing it to people's attention in an intelligent and compassionate matter.

I was particularly intrigued by the line that said that new information had come to light or something like that.

Maybe the new information was that the state ag dept had just been owned.

I can understand the agency taking precautionary steps to protect the area but to destroy a healthy flock of beautiful birds that has tested negative for this horrible disease is just plain over the top.

John, thank you for bringing this to the forums attention and allowing us to be involved. Who knows it could be any one of us some day who owns a small flock of chickens or other fowl and have gotten attached to them. I sincerely pray that it doesn't. Nobody should have to go through what you did.

For some reason I keep having quotes from Thomas Jefferson popping into my head when I read this thread:

"Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!"

Especially the last part of this quote applies to this whole situation. Jefferson was one of my favorite writers concerning what the relationship between government and citizens should be.
the more and more i think about it, the more and more i respect Chelsea Rarrick for not taking the EASY side on this one...
I suspect you are correct!
I really feel for you. And really sorry. I don't understand why they can't quarantine your birds. They won't be able to eliminate the disease because it is mostly spread by wild birds. What are they going to do cull all the wild birds too. It really doesn't make any sense, especially as they have tested negative. Those are exceptionally beautiful birds. What a waste.

Another thing that eats at me is that the migraring waterfowl are carriers of AI yet don't succumb to the disease themselves!

No fair killing pets and poultry! How about a program to kill the wild migrating waterfowl instead! Sound stupid? Just about as stupid as killing healthy tested birds!
I could go for a bigger bag limit on Canada geese and an extended season. ya im a hunter so when im in the field harvesting some birds think about the biosecurity measures i have to employ. I just finished hunting wild turkey, unfortunately i didnt get one. but i still used dedicated boots and sterilized them before getting in my vehicle and sterilized the vehicles tires before entering my laneway. I had other practises I employed just in case, 2 infected farms were about 100 miles from my place.
How do they determine cost? Do they figure out all the food they have eaten? Initial cost? Who are they to presume what our birds are worth to us?

My heart is breaking for you....what absolute beurocratic chicken poop!!!

Don't disparage chicken poop - chicken poop is way superior and more useful than bureaucrats!!!!

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