destruction and disposal orders HELP

I've read that they (USA?) are importing eggs from the Netherlands and China.

I don't know if these are fertile eggs to replenish the birds destroyed at hatcheries, or new meaties for Tyson or Purdue or ??? Whatever!! ALL I could think of was baby forumula in China that killed babies, dog foods from China that killed dogs. Why on earth would anyone want to import eggs from there?
Like you already!  I may be going way far back but there's always a reason to be paranoid when you're dealing with the "Peter Principle".  NPIP is a good thing, I think some do voluntarily.  But those who have the job of enforcing, should actually know what they're doing.  It's fortunate/unfortunate that BYC members end up being the most educated of any thing involving chickens.  

Theres always a reason to be paranoid.

Like this one time, in band camp...
Like you already!  I may be going way far back but there's always a reason to be paranoid when you're dealing with the "Peter Principle".  NPIP is a good thing, I think some do voluntarily.  But those who have the job of enforcing, should actually know what they're doing.  It's fortunate/unfortunate that BYC members end up being the most educated of any thing involving chickens.  

P.S. I like me too.
G’Day John

These feathered babies of ours have a way of bringing out the sensitive side in people.  If I told hubby 3 years ago that one day he would be referred to as “Dad” when I was talking to a chicken I am sure he would have had me committed.  But not only is he “Dad” he also has his own favourite chicken, often referred to by me as “your chicken” when she is misbehaving ;)

Tee hee MCHLMRTN I like you already also ;)

If someone had of told two years ago, that id be on a website called "back yard chickens" and that it
Was an all ages kind of site (you know
what i mean
)...i would have pobably slapped them.

Also, thank you. It took me a while to warm up to myself lol.

X2!! @MCHLMRTN I bet you will have a high self essteem from all these compliments today?!!
What does MCHLMRN abbreviation mean?

Ooppsss, above remarks were not hi lighted :idunno

Lol. Ill change my name to Narcissis (the Greek god, not the syndrome
And AmyLyn(#'s here) had it right.
Maybe they found E.T.?

I just want your  I'm dying to find me a

So, I'm guessing on this one: Michael Martin  my second guess Michelle Martin   lol

Nah..i hid him pretty well...definantly not in a basket on front of my bike.

You mentioned being a show girl?

And i like the way you think. You wouldnt happen to ever studied hebrew or any other ancient language by chance?

For those of you who dont know, and to prevent me having to explain later...hebrew (and other, older cultures) do not write
with vowels.
just had to run inside and check those letters... a white work/tool truck just went down the dead end street i corner and the letters on the side were cs (and i think i) lol ..  breathing a little easier .. they're just clearing some acreage....

They heard us talking about them. Lol.
Just out of curiosity- did the seller of the eggs contact Virginia for an import permit? Are they AI clean or just AI monitored? It appears from other states that they shipped to that they did not contact the states for current shipping requirements ( one article quoted a need for a test 7 days prior to shipping to Louisiana)? Also it appears Johnskoi that you dodged a bullet because others are not so lucky and their eggs were positive. Someone suggested a follow up story if the tests are negative after quarantine, will you be so quick to get the news out there if you have a positive? The USDA does not use NPIP to track who might have been exposed and they do not automatically kill every bird in an area with a case. They go door to door and tell people within a 6km radius that they are quarantined. They do kill every bird on a farm that has a positive, if they didn't the birds would be dead within days. Given the huge economic risk I can understand them wanting to kill everything before there is a positive. Would everyone be so happy for Johnskoi if you were his neighbor? Let's look at the bigger picture here.
If he were my neighbor would I want him to have to have his birds killed w/o proof positive? No. Just as I would not want my birds killed without a proof positive. I would be praying long and hard that they weren't, but I would not want to see anyone have their birds killed on a maybe. I'd be proud to stand beside a neighbor (if I like them well enough) to help make sure that did not happen.

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