destruction and disposal orders HELP

Well if rabies had the potential to kill millions of dogs from a single case that might be a good argument. Bottom line is the eggs never should have shipped, the buyers should have educated themselves more and their actions and the actions of the sellers have put others at risk. it will be a miracle if this doesn't shut down shipping of eggs and birds permanently.
So what you saying is that because the seller $*@?-! up he should suffer? Why is everyone so kill happy these days?
thanks, tried the search but not coming up with anything. don't participate at facebook either , may would make finding it easier.

if you find that page again and its not too much trouble can you please copy the address url and paste it here in a message?
how to : far left top of the page up in your toolbar you can click on file > properties then you should see " address url" .
you can highlight that url > right click > copy then come back here and right click /paste it here into a thread .
if too much trouble no worry, just wanted to read it.
I don't understand how he could test negative and they do this to him, that's not right at all and not the way USDA is supposed to be handling this situation.
John got the quarantine and David & anyone else whose birds test negative should be able to also, imho.
if they tried to do that to my birds while they tested neg. they would have one helluva fight on their hands and I too would call the media in and expose them for the wrong doing .

I am pretty sure if my birds tested clean and they came to destroy them I would end up in jail. Try this link, they are still talking about it.
Well if rabies had the potential to kill millions of dogs from a single case that might be a good argument. Bottom line is the eggs never should have shipped, the buyers should have educated themselves more and their actions and the actions of the sellers have put others at risk. it will be a miracle if this doesn't shut down shipping of eggs and birds permanently.

While I understand your point, I have a question.

Has there been a confirmed case of this being spread through an egg shipment?

I'm not being argumentative, I honestly don't know.

Personally, I have stopped receiving eggs from anyone.

I truly doubt this will shut down the shipment of eggs and birds, although I can see it as a way to increase regulations.

This is not the first time there had been an outbreak of AI in the USA. There was one in 1983-84 in the eastern USA. There was also AI detected in 2004, although it was near the same area and protocols and biosecurity were already in place from the previous outbreak.

I believe what happened this time was it hit a distant area that didn't have the same protocols in place, leading to it's rapid spread.

This is a learning experience for everyone since it is getting national attention and widespread discussion thanks to this here internet thing. ;)
thanks, tried the search but not coming up with anything. don't participate at facebook either , may would make finding it easier.

if you find that page again and its not too much trouble can you please copy the address url and paste it here in a message?
how to : far left top of the page up in your toolbar you can click on file > properties then you should see " address url" .
you can highlight that url > right click > copy then come back here and right click /paste it here into a thread .
if too much trouble no worry, just wanted to read it.
I don't understand how he could test negative and they do this to him, that's not right at all and not the way USDA is supposed to be handling this situation.
John got the quarantine and David & anyone else whose birds test negative should be able to also, imho.
if they tried to do that to my birds while they tested neg. they would have one helluva fight on their hands and I too would call the media in and expose them for the wrong doing .

This might be it? Closed group.

ETA - oops, didn't see someone beat me to it.
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Just out of curiosity- did the seller of the eggs contact Virginia for an import permit? Are they AI clean or just AI monitored? It appears from other states that they shipped to that they did not contact the states for current shipping requirements ( one article quoted a need for a test 7 days prior to shipping to Louisiana)? Also it appears Johnskoi that you dodged a bullet because others are not so lucky and their eggs were positive. Someone suggested a follow up story if the tests are negative after quarantine, will you be so quick to get the news out there if you have a positive? The USDA does not use NPIP to track who might have been exposed and they do not automatically kill every bird in an area with a case. They go door to door and tell people within a 6km radius that they are quarantined. They do kill every bird on a farm that has a positive, if they didn't the birds would be dead within days. Given the huge economic risk I can understand them wanting to kill everything before there is a positive. Would everyone be so happy for Johnskoi if you were his neighbor? Let's look at the bigger picture here.
believe me, i KNOW how fortunate i am... and if i were my neighbor, i'd like to think that i would opt for the quarantine -- but i would rest easier with the d&d as far as my flock would be comcerned -- it would probably depend on how much i trusted that neighbor's compliance... with regard to them being AI clean or monitored prior to the outbreak and permit for VA, i don't know --- both are my security breaches.... at this point, i feel a follow-up news story (neg or pos) would be a good thing --but the urgency to get them here is not as important as it was to spare my birds ... i do GET the bigger picture here as i think everyone else here does as well... but my birds and eggs tested NEGATIVE and i surrendered the eggs .

.. IF any follow up testing should be a positive on the birds, i would be willing (yet devastated) to put them down
If the eggs test pos while the birds were neg, i don't know how i would react (that being said - i would NOT run with them)
The AI outbreak has been ongoing since December. It is not a new news story. They have been reporting it sporadically and now that egg prices are going up it is becoming more of a hot topic.It has certainly been well discussed in all poultry circles. The USDA has published every outbreak. Most states are requiring some increased surveillance for AI prior to importing eggs or birds- which usually means a recent AI test ( 72 hrs-7days depending on the state). It behooves every poultry person to apprise and educate themselves to these changing rules. It behooves producers and sellers to follow these rules as well. Ohio has banned all import of eggs or poultry from states with infections- period. Does not matter if that infection was 500 miles away from where you want to buy eggs from. This should tell you something- it is serious and it is unpredictable in its course. To date there are 223 farms infected in the United states. They are not completely sure of the transmission- but it can be carried on the surface of eggs, the packaging material or even the box itself- so just because the eggs test negative, that is not a 100% guarantee. If your flock becomes infected, it could be days before you know, so you walk in and take care of your birds, get some feces on your shoes. No big deal right? Now you decide you need some feed so you go to the local feed store. Some of that poop falls off your shoes, and a farmer walks through it- he goes back to his farm and goes to check on his birds, now carrying AI laced feces with him. Maybe he has 10 birds, maybe he has a million layers. His farm is now infected. So now Georgia or Alabama or wherever now has a confirmed case of AI. No big deal right? Well it is reported to all the other countries that we have trade agreements with that this state has a reported case of High path avian influenza. Most countries, japan, China, The Uk etc will now ban all poultry products from that state, and not for the 21 days it takes to lift the quarantine- it will be months. It will cost the state of Georgia or Alabama or Louisiana- or wherever, millions in clean up, testing and quarantining on top of the economic losses to those companies that cannot export their products. So who cares if the government has a huge bill- we pay taxes right? Behind every poultry farm is a family- maybe they work for a corporation, or maybe they are one of the last hold outs- trying to just survive as an american farmer- they have just lost a good majority of their income. This is not some over dramatic representation of the situation- this is what has been happening all over the Midwest since April. The economic losses from exports alone is over $5 billion dollars. $5 BILLION. Let that sink in for a minute.
48,091,293 birds have been affected.
Let that sink in. Behind everyone of those birds is a farmer or a backyard flock owner. I feel for every person that loses a bird to this terrible disease and I dread the fall when migration begins south and those on the east coast start seeing cases. But if you buy eggs or birds from a state that has had infections- then you better be willing to accept the consequences. If you live in a state that has had infections- then stop selling, don't wait to be told to do it, just do the ethical and moral thing and worry more about your neighbor than your pocket book. This is not about the government stepping on your civil liberties- this is about trying to stop an epidemic, to save your back yard flock as much as the big egg producer. This is about trying to prevent the next world pandemic- this strain is a mix of the strain that has been causing deaths in China. These viruses mutate and mingle and change all the time and they are one mutation away from infecting people at any given moment- think that is a stretch? Well all workers and clean up crews at the infected farms are being advised to take Tamiflu, a flu prevention drug. This is not a joke, this is not it will never happen to me,this is a disaster for the poultry industry.
i believe VA is still considered neg with regards to AI ... $wise, i think it makes it even MORE sense to qt my birds than to d&d --- especially w/ the neg results so far ... to put them down now, would leave an open question as to whether AI is here in va or not...

and a sentence from your above quote, " They do kill every bird on a farm that has a positive, if they didn't the birds would be dead within days. " --- well it's now been 13 days without a dead bird...
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Wow i didn't mean to highjack your thread @jonskoi.
I dont , but heres you a beer
welcomed levity!
The AI outbreak has been ongoing since December. It is not a new news story. They have been reporting it sporadically and now that egg prices are going up it is becoming more of a hot topic.It has certainly been well discussed in all poultry circles. The USDA has published every outbreak. Most states are requiring some increased surveillance for AI prior to importing eggs or birds- which usually means a recent AI test ( 72 hrs-7days depending on the state). It behooves every poultry person to apprise and educate themselves to these changing rules. It behooves producers and sellers to follow these rules as well. Ohio has banned all import of eggs or poultry from states with infections- period. Does not matter if that infection was 500 miles away from where you want to buy eggs from. This should tell you something- it is serious and it is unpredictable in its course. To date there are 223 farms infected in the United states. They are not completely sure of the transmission- but it can be carried on the surface of eggs, the packaging material or even the box itself- so just because the eggs test negative, that is not a 100% guarantee. If your flock becomes infected, it could be days before you know, so you walk in and take care of your birds, get some feces on your shoes. No big deal right? Now you decide you need some feed so you go to the local feed store. Some of that poop falls off your shoes, and a farmer walks through it- he goes back to his farm and goes to check on his birds, now carrying AI laced feces with him. Maybe he has 10 birds, maybe he has a million layers. His farm is now infected. So now Georgia or Alabama or wherever now has a confirmed case of AI. No big deal right? Well it is reported to all the other countries that we have trade agreements with that this state has a reported case of High path avian influenza. Most countries, japan, China, The Uk etc will now ban all poultry products from that state, and not for the 21 days it takes to lift the quarantine- it will be months. It will cost the state of Georgia or Alabama or Louisiana- or wherever, millions in clean up, testing and quarantining on top of the economic losses to those companies that cannot export their products. So who cares if the government has a huge bill- we pay taxes right? Behind every poultry farm is a family- maybe they work for a corporation, or maybe they are one of the last hold outs- trying to just survive as an american farmer- they have just lost a good majority of their income. This is not some over dramatic representation of the situation- this is what has been happening all over the Midwest since April. The economic losses from exports alone is over $5 billion dollars. $5 BILLION. Let that sink in for a minute.
48,091,293 birds have been affected.
Let that sink in. Behind everyone of those birds is a farmer or a backyard flock owner. I feel for every person that loses a bird to this terrible disease and I dread the fall when migration begins south and those on the east coast start seeing cases. But if you buy eggs or birds from a state that has had infections- then you better be willing to accept the consequences. If you live in a state that has had infections- then stop selling, don't wait to be told to do it, just do the ethical and moral thing and worry more about your neighbor than your pocket book. This is not about the government stepping on your civil liberties- this is about trying to stop an epidemic, to save your back yard flock as much as the big egg producer. This is about trying to prevent the next world pandemic- this strain is a mix of the strain that has been causing deaths in China. These viruses mutate and mingle and change all the time and they are one mutation away from infecting people at any given moment- think that is a stretch? Well all workers and clean up crews at the infected farms are being advised to take Tamiflu, a flu prevention drug. This is not a joke, this is not it will never happen to me,this is a disaster for the poultry industry.

believe me , if i was aware of the severity of the outbreak along with the geographical hot spots, i wouldn't have ordered eggs from where i did and i may not have ordered eggs at all ...

i've been up front about who i am here --- is there a reason as to why there is NOTHING in your profile as to who you are?... you say that you're chicken vet ---- i question that and think you should ujpdate your profile to increase your credibility... --- and maybe lend a hand in the emergency section in this forum instead of trying to attack and discredit me...i screwed up BIGTIME here and no one knows it more than me...

... and i have WONDERFUL neighbors who have been nothing BUT supportive (and i just moved here in december) ..i'm curious -- how well do you know your neighbors and do you think they'd support you in a similar situation?

i almost wonder if you have stock in 'tamiflu' or the white booties...
John I think I'd be watching THEIR biosecurity if they come testing on your property. Hopefully they are not transferring any microbes onto your property.

I and many others have been dealing with Marek's virus that has been unstoppable for over 100 years. Seems the only way not to get it is to hatch on your property and never introduce any chickens from outside your property.

Virkon is a great disinfectant. It's the only one that can be used on porous surfaces. But you can't spray your birds with it. Oxine has been grossly misunderstood. Oxine is used to get Chlorine Dioxide which is the chemical that has the killing power- but you can't get Chlorine Dioxide unless Oxine is mixed with citric acid. I don't think they should have ever sold one without the other as a package. Because even Lysol spray works better than Oxine without citric acid. And you can't spray Virkon or "activated" Oxine Chlorine Dioxide in a chicken's face.

John, just be careful with these people

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