DH Has a Pocket Pooper (pics)

oh, I thought you had euthanized Pocket Pooper...sorry, I was confused! If I can do anything to help....or just lend a helping hand, let me know! I know you have some medical issues. and, of course I would help BYC neighbor!
That's so nice of you, chick a roos. I was just trying to think of a way that we didn't have to euthanize this little fighter (we were all set to do it today after it fell on its face, couldn't get up, and started yelling, but couldn't). But, I realize that not many would take on a little one with a handicap. I already have Zane, who has been crippled for a year and a half, and who needs everthing done for him, so I really don't have it in me to keep the little cutie. I keep hoping that suddenly, as it grows, the joint will become stronger, but I know that probably isn't realistic.
Oh Cyn,

I am so so sorry to hear bout the lil fella. My little showgirl I hatched this spring had the same prob, only the tendon slipped after about 4 days of age and I didnt realize til a few days later, as it already had spraddle.

Unfortunately the joint just gets worse and worse, as it gets horribly infected since they use it to "hobble" around on. My lil one was such a fighter too, it just broke my heart, an otherwise perfect chick that has a very very strong will to live. I am crying for you, but usually the tendon can only be fixed the day it happens and even that is iffy as they have tendency to keep slipping.

Many many hugs to you and hubby.
Jill, appreciate your input. This one doesnt hobble on the joint, but does walk on its feet, just that the joint going all over, makes it expend so much effort just to get where its going. When it cries, Tom puts it back in his pocket for awhile and its content. We did try to fix it the day it happened, but at first, thought one toe was broken (bent up a bit). By that night, it had a splint on it, but has gone through various splint types and the joint just still wobbles all over.
Poor Pocket Pooper. What about a sling of some sort to hold her off her feet? She probably would wiggle too much, but maybe with no weight the joint would heal?

For a sling, I am thinking the toe of a sock - cut two leg holes and pop her in. Maybe pull the cuff of the sock over a tall coffee cup, large paper tube to suspend her.

I wish I knew something that would help.
If the chick is actually able to walk on its feet, then I would think there was hope as long as that tendon is in correct position.

Mine could do nothing but walk on the hock joint, and its other foot was bad as well. I had read about the sling, but not seen the chick chair, what a wonderful idea.
I fashioned a sling for my baby from the kitchen towels that wrap around the stove handles, I had some soft knitted ones that I just cut, then hung in the brooder from a hanger with her one other hatchmate, and he was really good about not picking on her after he got used to it.

She could also reach the wet mash I fixed up, as I was afraid of doing a water dish as well. You think if you had her in a sling her leg could heal up?

Pics of what I rigged for my baby, if her leg probs hadnt been SO extensive I would not have put her down. It was such a struggle for her tho, I gave her two weeks, and it just wasnt happening, I cried to watch her try to walk when I put her in the grass. I dont have the splint on her here, but she had bent toes, spraddle leg, AND the slipped tendon, was just too much for her. I know putting those splints on or taping that tendon has to hurt but necessary evil I guess.

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What a resourceful idea, Jill! Will have to think on this one. The joint looks almost like something is broken, but I'd think if that were the case, that she wouldn't be able to put any pressure on it at all.
Cynthia, I don't know if it would work, but perhaps for a splint--a straw, spliced down the middle and then wrapped around her leg and taped? You could even use a little gauze in the inside at the top (fold it down a bit) so that it doesn't rub her raw.

Just an idea, especially if you are able to put her in a sling.

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