Diary of a Crossbeak: Support for Special Needs Chickens and their Keepers

My Cross beak experience.

I wanted Sultans for a while, every since I got interested in weird chicken breeds anyway! So I finally found and ordered 6 Sultan eggs. The first chick to hatch was a cross beak. 4 out of 6 eggs hatched, which is pretty darned good for shipped eggs. But Because I only had 4 chicks I decided not to cull the cross beak (who is named CB). 2 of the chicks were weak and were brought back in for a while, but CB grew like a little weed. He was the biggest of the 4 and seemed to be the strongest. 1 of the weak chicks did not make it sadly, the other weak chick was always behind, always a small little thing but very friendly. I let them free range and due to its size I think a hawk got it. So then I was down to only 2. My CB and another.

CB was doing ok, he was large in size but a little skinny. Then (there's always a then) I added a adult flock of 6 sultans. Little did my chicken noobness know they carried mites and worms. I watched CB hedge his way into the older flock and then noticed he's pretty dirty. CB is a friendly guy, he never meets a stranger and loves people. Well, his dirt was mites and their mite nests, eggs or whatever. Treating with ivermectin paste showed the worms (eww). CB was pretty infested by this time and since he can't preen he was looking bad and getting weaker and weaker. The perches under my young chickens was free of worms but they adults were full, but thankfully I think I might have caught that before CB got worms. I'm sure in his state it would have killed him, the mites sure put a hurt on the poor thing.

Well..after multiple types of treatments I think the mites are gone or on their way out the door rapidly but I'm now left with a very skinny CB who weighs less than 1lb and is a standard sized Sultan! I'm pretty sure he was starving to death so I discussed with my husband culling him. Before everyone freaks out, it was thought out carefully. We have experience with crop feeding ornamental pet birds, we know how much time it takes and what stress it causes the birds. We decided we would not subject CB to that. We loved how he was, so friendly and coming to visit me on the deck for pets and following like a puppy no matter where I went.

This evening sitting out near the chicken coop while everyone is getting ready to go back in for the night to roost, CB came up and sat in my lap, then cuddled with me. He's friendly but never THIS friendly. I felt (yeah this is crazy) that he was saying to me not to give up on him. So I started thinking about it and I know it's cruel and many, many, x1000 will not agree with it(and I do not either) but I thought about debeaking. CB is severly cross beaked. He's been sneezy lately because he's having to dip so far into his water just to drink. He couldn't carry on like this. His cross beak is so severe it has one nostril blocked.

Well, we did it. My husband took a dremel and a soldering iron to cauterize because we knew we would have to go high. CB came thru it like a trooper but I do wish I had researched it better. He went to roost for the first time since he was a chick with a full crop. He had mealworms cushioned on scratch, and if this was his last meal he will die a happy chicken.

CB is not a breeder, due to his cross beak and lack of 5th toe. He is a pet and always, I love him dearly and think I have done the best I can for him.
*edit profile pic is CB right out of the egg.

this is from a few weeks ago. If he makes it I'll take pictures of him showing the new debeaked CB.
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You did great! I love my crossbeaks when I get them. I certainly dont hope for them but they do become so friendly as they are always in need of extra food from me. I hope CB does very well with his new beak. Kudos to both you and your hubby for taking such loving care of him.
CB is doing great today and keeping his crop full. He's a little funny looking and most definitely dirty but we want to wait until we know the beak is good and healed before a nice bath. Once he gets a bath I'll take a picture of him to post with his new beak.

This is CrissCross......
She laid her first egg on Monday, day shy of 24 weeks. No more eggs since.
She does go out and Free range. But I wonder if her intake of nutrients goes down because she can't pick up much.
She does eat pretty good from her layer feed mash.
About every 3-4 days I mix up mash, oat groat flakes, peas. yogurt and almond milk for her. (Task to keep everyone else from hogging it from her)
She looks good compared to the others of the same age.
Her crossbeak did not show up until she was about 9 wks old.
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This is CrissCross......
She laid her first egg on Monday, day shy of 24 weeks. No more eggs since.
She does go out and Free range. But I wonder if her intake of nutrients goes down because she can't pick up much.
She does eat pretty good from her layer feed mash.
About every 3-4 days I mix up mash, oat groat flakes, peas. yogurt and almond milk for her. (Task to keep everyone else from hogging it from her)
She looks good compared to the others of the same age.
Her crossbeak did not show up until she was about 9 wks old.
well, I would file her top beak, i keep my crossbeaks squared off, so they can eat better- but eggwise- its not unusual to lay irregularly at first while they mature-

this is ginger, my most severe crossbeak, she is a regular layer

I agree about doing something with her top beak. With my cross beak I use human nail trimmers and clip a bit off each side and the tip to make her beak from growing too pointy. It will start to get caught on things because it is so curved when it is getting too long like it'll get stuck on her leg when she is preening herself. Luckily I can see where the quick is and so far haven't made her bleed. I do use dog guillotine nail clippers to take a little off her bottom beak but her bottom beak is way off to the side so doesn't inhibit her eating or anything
Hi guys good to see this tread is active.
My rooster has a cross beak too.

He eats and is active, but has had a lot of seizure lately.
Are seizures caused by him having a cross beak?

Since he had a "cluster" of seizures he has not crowed. I am worried...

Should I go visit my vet? What can the doc give me for seizures?
Hi guys good to see this tread is active.
My rooster has a cross beak too.

He eats and is active, but has had a lot of seizure lately.
Are seizures caused by him having a cross beak?

Since he had a "cluster" of seizures he has not crowed. I am worried...

Should I go visit my vet? What can the doc give me for seizures?
lots of times crossbeaks have more than one issue going on, how old is he? How is his weight? If you have a poultry vet, i always would do that first- what are you feeding and any vitamin suppliments?
I have this chick who has crossed beak and have a couple questions:
ok quick question: Scarlette is less developed then the rest. She has only wings coming in but that's not even complete and the rest have full wings, back, tails, and heads are coming in. She is about the size the rest were when they were just getting their wings in. Could she just be a late bloomer and therefore smaller or is it just that she's not getting enough food to develop? BTW More info is on a thread o made asking about her. Any help would be great as I'm on the fence about putting her down because I'm not sure she's getting enough food.
I have this chick who has crossed beak and have a couple questions:
ok quick question: Scarlette is less developed then the rest. She has only wings coming in but that's not even complete and the rest have full wings, back, tails, and heads are coming in. She is about the size the rest were when they were just getting their wings in. Could she just be a late bloomer and therefore smaller or is it just that she's not getting enough food to develop? BTW More info is on a thread o made asking about her. Any help would be great as I'm on the fence about putting her down because I'm not sure she's getting enough food.
how are you feedng her? deep dishes are very important for crossbeaks- no need in putting a cossbeak down, with a little extra maintance- i run a crossbeak group on facebook if you are ever over there- lots of experienced people can help you with her-

dee dishes, sometimes separating her and a friend is a better option for crossbeaks, less competition for food

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