Diatomaceous earth--- Really that harmless?????

I personally would not freak at all.

You might ask if he ate a bunch of it.  It is known that if you eat it, one should slowly increase the amount of DE as it has a Detox effect...email me if you want to know more.  I'll be happy to share what I have learned.

[/quote. I'm curious about what it internally does for humans...
Make sure you use food grade DE. It's natural. I've used it a long time for my chickens, horse, dog and rabbits. It really works great preventing parasites. I use it in my coop, enclosure, in nest boxes, in their food and I dust them with it too. They've never had a parasite externally or internally. It's also great in keeping odor gone and ants and flies ad well.
I just got some food grade fossil flour and have used it on the coop floor, mixed in dust bath, a little in their food, and put some on my dog that usually by now I would be fighting fleas attempting to make him dinner. So far no fleas on the dog at all and haven't seen any critters on the chickens.
Happy with the no flea situation so far and can't be any worse than all the poisons and crap they sell for flea prevention. I just put some on him after a bath and he's semi moist. Sticks slightly and doesn't "poof" when rubbed.
It's food grade which means it's not harmful and can be eaten. I've used it for years haven't had parasites on any of my animals including my horse, dog, bunnies and chickens. Great for ridding your garden of pests as well and ants too. No odor in my coop or enclosure no flies buzzing around. I put it in my horses corral as well and works like a charm.
My only concern with it is the dust factor. We all suck up plenty of dust our whole lives and there is a danger to dust getting in your lungs so I just try to avoid being in the dust cloud or allowing the animals to stay enveloped in a cloud of DE.

Heck chickens get right in the dirt and sand and shower with dust.
My only concern with it is the dust factor. We all suck up plenty of dust our whole lives and there is a danger to dust getting in your lungs so I just try to avoid being in the dust cloud or allowing the animals to stay enveloped in a cloud of DE.

Heck chickens get right in the dirt and sand and shower with dust.
Yeah.... but.... DE is especially 'sharp', that's part of how it kills insects-it cutx their exoskeleton, you don't want even a bit in your lungs.
Yep and like all the known nasty nasties for the lungs like asbestos and fiberglass that once in there don't come out or get absorbed and just create a mass of scar tissue that can lead to worse things. Thats why my concern is the dust cloud.
Well I don't put that much DE out where it's a problem. Yes chickens scratch up dirt and dust but that's inevitable with chickens. Maybe wear a mask when dealing with the issue. DE is a great parasite remedy.
A mask is recommended when dealing with the dust if you are worried about breathing it in. Food grade can be ingested. I'm sure there are pros and cons with everything. I use it have no problems with flies, fleas, lice, mites or insects in my garden.
Yep and like all the known nasty nasties for the lungs like asbestos and fiberglass that once in there don't come out or get absorbed and just create a mass of scar tissue that can lead to worse things. Thats why my concern is the dust cloud.
But asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral just like the dead wee Diatoms found in Diatomaceous Earth are 100% natural, only the Diatoms have been dead for millions of years.

Asbestos is all natural, what can go wrong? So the next time you're at your friendly neighborhood feed store remember to pick up a sack of food grade asbestos to go along with your Diatomaceous Earth.

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