Diatomaceous earth--- Really that harmless?????

With logic like this, one might think it necessary to flood your home in order to wash your face. FYI, it is possible to dust the entire plant and then any bug that crawls on it or lands on it will come in contact with the DE...
Not only is it possible, but that is the only way that a logical person would do it.
Except that H2O completely denatures or destroys the effectiveness of Diatomaceous Earth. So logically or theoretically DE works well in the Atacama Desert where no rainfall has ever been recorded or reported for at least the last 500 years. The trouble is that there also aren't any plants growing in the Atacama Desert to test DE on, so logically we are unable to know DE's true long term effectiveness in a truly dry ecosystem. I will tell you this, a half a jar full of DE with a heaping tablespoon full of Fire Ants added then shaken to combine equals a heaping tablespoon full of P!$$#& off Fire Ants, that is once the ants dig their way back to the surface.
I did a simple search. My criteria for credible sources make so further investigation is needed. There is a great noteable lack of agreement among sources and the page 12 example above indicates that as well. Actual assays for toxicity are what is needed which are likely out there but and they should be used to back up your assertions.

"Silica ingested orally is essentially nontoxic, with an LD50 of 5000 mg/kg.[3] On the other hand, inhaling finely divided crystalline silica dust can lead to silicosis, bronchitis, or cancer, as the dust becomes lodged in the lungs and continuously irritates them, reducing lung capacities.[24]. Studies of workers with exposure to crystalline silica have shown 10-fold higher than expected rates of lupus and other systemic autoimmune diseases compared to expected rates in the general population[25]. Prior to new rules issued in 2013 OSHA allowed 100 µg per cubic meter of air. The new regulations reduce the amount to 50 µg/m3 down from 100 µg/m3. The exposure limit for the construction industry is also set at 50 µg/m3 down from 250 µg/m3.[26]
In the body crystalline silica particles do not dissolve over clinically relevant periods. Silica crystals can activate the NLRP3 inflammasome inside macrophages and dendritic cells and thereby result in processing of pro-Interleukin 1 beta into its mature form. Chronic exposure to silica may thereby account for some of its health hazards, as interleukin-1 is a highly pro-inflammatory cytokine in the immune system...."

By the same criteria fiber glass is also non-toxic as is asbestos and a whole galaxy of other deadly materials that kills by mechanical means.
Unfortunately, since I got COPD from aspartame, yes, ASPARTAME (in only 3-1/2 weeks, with years of allergies since, asthma included,...keep in mind I have never smoked, not anything), when my drs ran out of options for me, having given me every nasal spray, lung inhaler and pill, all three prescriptions at the same time, and every brand until they had no more to try, my only option left was to inhale food-grade DE intentionally, because you see I couldn't breathe, and my nose swelled so shut that even if I put my head upside down until nose drops leaked in, they didn't. I would wake up panicking for breathe. Now, I am a cancer survivor of 8 years, for endometrial cancer, which occurred before I started this, but I can tell you, that was nothing compared to this. DE created the need for no allergy/COPD meds, and I am so GRATEFUL, however, I also must add, you cannot simply have an imbalanced system. Silica is in hair vitamins, Brown rice, even silica supplements, but these are ingested. Whether breathed or ingested, you need a highly acidic diet sufficient to break down silica, apple cider vinegar being ideal, and I have alway taken it daily, and have never had problems with my lungs in 7 years, which is a miracle, as I was on prescriptions (that never worked as well as the DE I might add, for 14 YEARS! This works better. But here's another thought, I also take the eight essential (non-optional in order to have immunity) glyconutrients every day that make stem cells, and stem cells are immunity: they deal with things like interleukin response and stop not only that, most other autoimmunity issues. Since I have fibromialgia, I have improved in energy and health since using both DE, minimally, I might add, and all eight glycos, since missing one or more glycos can result in autoimmunity. Now people may think vinegar sounds ineffective for silica, but think about it. vinegar can break down a crystal or a pearl or even heavy metals in a jar. Balance is the key. The amount of DE I use in order to treat myself for sniffles and now very mild congestion (YAY!), is a mere 1/16 tsp. I do not use an amount that a factory worker might inhale in big production, for that, yes, use masks. I am grateful for drs and all they tried, but I need to breathe, and I am my own one-man walking lab. I will not be waiting for longterm studies to tell me I have to wait years to feel well until they "approve" of a way they think I should be treated. BEEN there, done that. But to each his own, we must follow our own hearts.
Actually, you should be using amorphous DE, which passes through the lungs without any damage.

The word A-M-O-R-P-H-O-U-S means glass like or having to do with a fine crystalline or silicon matural. Thus when inhaled into the lungs of humans or the air sacks of chickens, Amorphous DE is exactly the kind of Diatomaceous Earth that is dangerous to both man and beast. Think underground hard rock miners, and coal miners with black lunge disease. However I am curious as to which orifice of the human body that the tiny glass like, crystalline, silicone, particles that makeup amorphous DE are expelled from seeing that once in the lungs DE precipitates out of the air that you breath and then becomes a slimy gelatinous mess that just lays there like the tar in tobacco smoke.

I even found a recent ad for Vegan Snake Oil. Isn't Vegan Snake Oil a violation of the Truth in Labeling Laws?


In short, anything that sounds too good to be true is usually like the above aid, Snake Oil.
I don't know if DE is harmless but, I know it is useless. I have never found it to live up to any of the hype and a lot of others feel this way too.
in my research of it- this was enough to seal it for me- birds have highly sensitive respiratory systems- so there is danger their lungs

I read your info on diatomaceous earth. I cannot find any information on the internet pointing to this product being a carcinogen. I will continue my search because I am very curious. I did find a lot of info singing its praises for use for humans and the yard.

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