Did anyone else get that email survey this morning about an hour ago?

I got the email and clicked on "take the survey now" and was told I didn't qualify before I ever answered a single question. I guess I wasn't holding my mouse right. How can I not qualify if I haven't entered any information?

The messaging on the survey site is poorly written. Instead of "you don't qualify" it needs to say, "Thank you for your interest, but we've reached our limit of respondents."

They should kill the link and stop collecting information.

I totally agree!
We do not provide any of our users email addresses to any 3rd parties. This email was sent by us as an offer that we knew many of our members would be (and many were) excited to receive.

Unfortunately there were some problems in the execution of the promotion and as stated above, we and Purina have been working hard to resolve them.
I got the email and took the survey. I was excited to see that when I checked my mail yesterday I did indeed get a letter from purina with a real coupon for a free bag of chicken feed up to 50 pounds. What a blessing! It wasnt a scam. Thanks purina and backyard chicken!
There must have been like 5 coupons to give out or everyone was on there phone/computer when the email came out. I am off work right now and I got the email and responded with in about 5 minutes and got the you did not qualify. I don't use this brand but it's the point that matters.
I took the survey, and although Im not usually a Purina user, when I got the coupon in the mail, I went and used it!! Was a very exciting day for me and the birds, nothing better than free feed :) Sorry to everyone who had troubles, but I really appreciated the link Backyard Chicken!!

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