Did I cook my eggs?


In the Brooder
Oct 18, 2016
Bandera, Texas
Yesterday was day 17 of 21 in the nursery. Last night, I had let a heat lamp on an orphaned chick in the same room as the incubator. When I got home this evening, the thermometer inside the incubator read 104. Are they toast? I have kept the door shut to that room to try and keep the temp stable due to fluctuating temps in the house and due to our crazy weather we've been having here in Texas. I'm sure the temp was probably that high for most of the day. Any chance they will survive?
I am very new to candleing eggs, and these are Very dark Maran eggs, possibly making it even harder for me to tell what is going on inside. Not feeling very good about it at this point. :(
Day 20. I took a quick minute to listen and I could hear at least one chick pipping in the eggs.

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