Did my chickens kill each other?

Hey everybody! Well, last night I locked the door to my chickens roost and made sure that it was sealed up tight so no predators could get in! We also got a motion-sensitive light and set it up by the coop. At around the same time as the night my two hens were killed, something caused the light to come on. I couldn't see anything, so if it was a predator, it must've scared it off. I was just happy to see all of my hens safe and sound this morning when I let them out of their roost! I may still set up video cameras and traps just in case, though. I've definitely been suspecting a weasel, especially since all of you have said that this sounds like their work; if it was one, I know it may keep coming back, and it would be nice to catch it to ensure that it wouldn't get them. I'll let you all know if we do ever find out what predator did this!

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