Did you get any new books for Christmas?

I bought myself the set of Harry Potter books. I had perviously read the first two. Now I am happily engrossed in the third.
The Book Barn series. For my daughter for Christmas.

Taste of Home Holiday cookbook (really its nice but I don't want it) from my sis, and TOH's Slow cook book which I thought it was fabulous!

Hubby has three books on CW.
I agree 100%! I want a book with pages made of paper, that I can read in the bathtub, that I can set on a bookshelf to revisit later...

I have a Kindle app on my iphone but I never use it.

It's just not the same.

I thought I was the only one who loved the fell of paper and the smell of new books!(sorry trees,
Can ya'll believe not one single book this year! Oh well I did get some for my b-day last year and it's coming again soon so maybe then!
Out Stealing Horses,

I LOVED that book. It was wonderful.
I was given a Nook for Christmas. I have resisted them for a long time, but since my move the way my bedroom is laid out there is no room for a good reading light. Problem solved.
I downloaded "Soul of a Chef" (because the one soul of this chef isn't tired enough of itself I guess) and am about to re-read all of your book ideas for another one.
Water for Elephants was wonderful. For those of you who like it, I recommend The Elegance of the Hedgehog it was a beautifully written book, though lonesome to the third power. I also always recommend The Corrections, it is one of the most beautifully constructed books I have ever read, and that is no small task.

I thought I was the only one who loved the fell of paper and the smell of new books!

Gosh no, I LOVE the smell of books - new and old - libraries, bookstores... so does my son & he is 12, so there is hope for the future.​
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I received the Help, The Litigators and West by West by Jerry West ( a very complicated man to say the least) I love real books thank you!!!
I'm loving the book lists! Now I have a few things to add to mine!

I keep trying to get through the book I am reading right now so I can read some I got for Christmas, but I have so many other things to do! I'm hoping once I start work, I will have time to read while we are not on a job.
Possum living
How to live well without a job and with almost no money, by Dolly Freed

Its a good read.

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