Dirt Instead of Grit


9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Maricopa, AZ
I've been looking everywhere for chick-sized grit. Our pet stores sell canary sized grit but it's all high calcium. None of the feed stores carry it - the one I went to today doesn't even sell regular sized grit. I was told that because our soil is sandy no one here uses it. I do have a box top with dirt in it in the brooder for them to scratch and bathe in. Is this sufficient? The chicks are 3 weeks old and look forward to greens and such every morning. I originally found decorative "organic" sand for little sand/rock gardens and such, but I'm out of that now. How old till they can use "regular" sized grit, assuming I can find any?
Just go to your local park and take a hand full of sand,my love the sand as much as the treats just hold it in your hand and let them peck away. mine are 5 weeks and have been on the sand for 2 weeks and are nice and fiesty. i only let them have it 1 time a week.

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