Disappearing chicks?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 4, 2013
I use to have 14 chicks (4 americana, 5 brahama ,and 5 Brown Leghorn) I let them run loose all day and when I went to put them them in I had 1 americana 3 brown leghorn and still 5 brahamas. I don't know what could possibly get them in the middle of the day. there's no feathers or blood anywhere.... what happened?! :'(
Middle of the day would most likely be dog, hawk or cat - in that order.
Every other predator is suspect as well like fox, coyote, weasel, owl, et. al..
Chicks are easy to carry off so never much of a trace. I'm suspecting dog unless it was a long time then could be anything.
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Dog will usually take more than one and leave obvious sign. Red fox or coyote will try to get more than one and leave minimal sign. If chicks small like quail size or less, then hawk as likely as fox or coyote. All three wild predators will grab and run. You need to be out watching to find out who is calling. I would pen most up and keep one in some sort of pen where losses occur. You will be able to see what is going on and take appropriate steps.
It has to be a cat! I have 5 of them so that's what I'm assuming... I live near game lands so it could of been a Fox too. I don't think it's a hawk because my chicks use to play in the weeds... Snake perhaps?
Mine weren't really free range they went out for fresh air for a day because they were stuck in a big stinky shed all day and they were protected by my cats (my dogs useless) but their trust worthy. And I was watching them... I had to go get something so I left them for 20 minutes and when I came back I only saw 9 of them and I figured that the went into groups and the missing 5 were just in the weeds getting bugs but then when I went to put them in for the night I still only saw 9... I searched the yard and the weeds and I couldn't find them

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