discolored testicle in heritage mix... cause?

Could it be cancer? Just a thought. And how big are those? They look big but I cant tell.
That was a thought I had too.
the normal one is about 1 1/4" and the weird one is a little bigger, and softer. Like it's swollen. The first pic they are on the ruler of the game table
Was it your only cockerel? And did he breed? Im just curious if he was "shooting blanks" because of his issue!
he was one of twelve that were old enough to process. He was in a bachelor pad and low man. He would get picked on and hop the fence. He didn't chase the pullets and afraid of the hens. But the 2 roos and turkeys in that pen kept him moving. Broody hatched him in the main pen but he was moved before he came of age.
First time I seen this. Last year I had one that had one testicle and one ovary. :eek:It was a runt
Yes, I have seen this kind of thing before...
Just last spring, we processed a very large, active alpha-rooster (who decided it would be ok to fight me over his hens?! Not so much....). And his were like this - off-color and kinda strange. We've processed many chickens (about 25-50/yr for about 5yrs now)....and this was the first we'd ever seen of this.
I *think* he was infertile, as once he was gone and a new alpha took over, we had broodies galore and chicks everywhere. Something to think about....

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