discolored testicle in heritage mix... cause?

Yes, I have seen this kind of thing before...
Just last spring, we processed a very large, active alpha-rooster (who decided it would be ok to fight me over his hens?! Not so much....). And his were like this - off-color and kinda strange. We've processed many chickens (about 25-50/yr for about 5yrs now)....and this was the first we'd ever seen of this.
I *think* he was infertile, as once he was gone and a new alpha took over, we had broodies galore and chicks everywhere. Something to think about....
I can understand why they wouldn't be fertile. Nasty looking. Hopefully neither one of us will see another like these
I was originally mesmerized because for some sleep-deprived reason it didn't occur to me that you weren't talking about a live chicken. Clearly I should go to bed. But you know I won't...

Tiny testicles in above pics

Discolored testicle s below

Did you open the testies? With how dark the tiny ones are I wonder if it’s necrotic for some reason. The only other thing I could think would be blood pooled in that area. Like a clot. Why for either would be the real question.
Did you open the testies? With how dark the tiny ones are I wonder if it’s necrotic for some reason. The only other thing I could think would be blood pooled in that area. Like a clot. Why for either would be the real question.
I have the backs in the fridge.. I'll open one up tomorrow.

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